Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Fort Havoc (Wallace Hale)

Info Le langage employé dans les textes est celui utilisé par Wallace Hale. Les documents dont les Archives provinciales font l’acquisition ne sont pas traduits de la langue dans laquelle ils ont été produits.

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An ACT for permitting Persons, of the profession of the People called Quakers, to make an Affirmation instead of an Oath.

People called Quakers to make affirmation instead of oath.
I.   BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, That every Person of the profession of the People called Quakers, who shall be required upon any lawful occasion to take an Oath, shall instead of an Oath in the usual form to be permitted to make his or her solemn declaration or affirmation in these words, to wit:
Form of affirmation.

I, A. B. do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm.
Which solemn affirmation shall and is hereby declared, to be of the same force and effect in all cases where by Law an Oath shall be required, as if such Quaker had taken an Oath in the usual form.

False affirmation punished as perjury.

II.   And be it further enacted, That every person who shall have made such solemn affirmation, and shall be convicted of wilfully, falsely and corruptly having affirmed any thing, which, if the same had been sworn in the usual form would have amounted to wilful and corrupt perjury, shall incur the same penalties as persons convicted, of wilful and corrupt perjury.

Not to affirm in criminal cases extending to life or limb.

III.   Provided, That no Quaker or reputed Quaker shall by virtue of this Act be admitted to give evidence in any criminal cause extending to life or limb, by such solemn declaration or affirmation as is hereby directed.

Who shall be deemed Quakers.

IV.   Provided also, That no persons shall be deemed Quakers within the intention of this Act, unless they shall affirm in the form before directed that they are of the profession of the People called Quakers, and have been so for one year then last past.


C. 19. Anno XXVI. Geo. III.   A. D. 1786.
