Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Fort Havoc (Wallace Hale)

Info The language of the text is the original used by Wallace Hale. Records acquired by the Provincial Archives are not translated from the language in which they originate.

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An ACT to authorize the Sheriff or other Executive Officer serving Process at the Parish of Saint Martin's, to convey any Prisoner there arrested, to the Gaol in the City of Saint John, by way of the Public Road leading through a part of King's County.

Passed the 14th of March, 1810.





WHEREAS the only communication by land between the City of Saint John, where the Gaol of the City and County of Saint John is, and the Parish of Saint Martin's in the same County, is by the public Road from the said City to the said Parish, which passes through a part of King's County, by means whereof no prisoner arrested at the said Parish, can legally be conveyed to the said Gaol in any other way than by water, which may be at times more dangerous and inconvenient, as well as more expensive than by the said public Road;  for remedy whereof;

Prisoners arrested at Saint Martin's may be conveyed to St. John by the Road leading through a part of King's County.




I.   Be it enacted by the President, Council, and Assembly, That any person or persons who may be legally arrested at the said Parish of Saint Martin's upon any Process, civil or criminal, may be conveyed from thence to the City of Saint John, to be committed to the said Gaol there, or for other legal purposes by the way of the said public Road, which passes as aforesaid, through a part of King's County, from the said Parish to the said City, as such prisoner or prisoners might have been conveyed in case the said public Road passed through the County of Saint John only:   Provided, that in the conveying of any such prisoner or prisoners, no other deviation shall take place than resorting to such house or houses upon or near to the said Road as may be requisite for rest or refreshment.


C. 1. Anno L. Geo. III.   A. D. 1810.
