Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Fort Havoc (Wallace Hale)

Info The language of the text is the original used by Wallace Hale. Records acquired by the Provincial Archives are not translated from the language in which they originate.

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An ACT for erecting the Northwestern part of the Town or Parish of Waterborough, in Queen's County, into a separate Town or Prish.

Passed 19th March, 1827.


WHEREAS the Town or Parish of Waterborough is so extensive as to render it inconvenient to perform the several Parochial Duties in the manner as required by Law; and it is therefore expedient that the same be divided into two Towns or Parishes,

North western part of the Town or Parish Waterborough erected into a separate Town or Parish, to be known by the name of Canning.


I.   Be it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council, and Assembly, That all the Northwestern part of the said Town or Parish to be separated from the other part thereof by the division line between the Lots number sixteen and seventeen on the tongue of Intervale so called and its prolongation to the middle of the water of that part of the Grand Lake, and a continuation of a line through the middle of the said Lake, until it meets the Southeastern boundary line of a Tract of Land granted to David Sypher, near to the mouth of Coal Creek, at its junction with the said Lake, thence by a continuation of the same line, to the rear of the said tract, and thence by a line Northeast by the Magnet to the line of the Parish of Brunswick, be and the same is hereby erected into a separate Town or Parish to be called and known by the name of Canning.

Parish Officers to be appointed.

Duties to be executed by the Officers of Waterborough till January Sessions.

II.   And be it further enacted, That the Justices of the Peace for the said County, shall at their first General Session in each and every year, appoint Parish officers for the said new Town or Parish of Canning in like manner as for the other Towns or Parishes in the said County; and that until the next January Session the Officers lately appointed for the said Town or Parish of Waterborough, shall continue to perform the duties of their several offices in and throughout both of the said Parishes, as if this Act had not been made.


C. 12. Anno VIII. Geo. IV.   A. D. 1827.
