Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Fort Havoc (Wallace Hale)

Info Le langage employé dans les textes est celui utilisé par Wallace Hale. Les documents dont les Archives provinciales font l’acquisition ne sont pas traduits de la langue dans laquelle ils ont été produits.

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An ACT to divide the Parish of Kent in the County of Carleton into five Towns or Parishes.

Passed 19th March, 1833.



WHEREAS the Parish of Kent, in the County of Carleton is so extensive and populous as to render the performance of the duties of the Parish officers therein inconvenient and burthensome;

Parish of Kent divided into five Parishes.


Be it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council, and Assembly, That the said Parish of Kent shall be and the same is hereby divided into five Towns or Parishes; which Towns or Parishes shall be and hereby are named and bounded in the manner hereinafter mentioned and described, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

Boundaries of Kent.


The first Town or Parish to be called, known and distinguished by the name of Kent, and to be abutted and bounded as follows:   Southerly by the northern boundary line of the Parish of Brighton; westerly by the river Saint John; northerly by a line running due east from the said river Saint John, at the division line between the lots number forty and forty one, granted to John Marro, nearly opposite to the mouth of the river de Chute; and easterly by the boundary line of the said County of Carleton.



The second Town or Parish to be called, known and distinguished by the name of Wicklow, and to be abutted and bounded as follows:   Southerly by the northern boundary line of the Parish of Wakefield; easterly by the River Saint John; northerly by the river de Chute, following the course of the said river to the boundary line of the said County; and westerly by the boundary line of the said County of Carleton.



The third Town or Parish to be called, known and distinguished by the name of Perth, and to be abutted and bounded as follows:   Southerly by the northern boundary line of the said Parish of Kent; westerly by the river Saint John; northerly by a line running due east from the mouth of Little River, where it empties into the river Saint John; and easterly by the boundary line of the said County of Carleton.



The fourth Town or Parish to be called, known and distinguished by the name of Andover, and to be abutted and bounded as follows:   Southerly by the river de Chute aforesaid; easterly by the river Saint John; northerly by a line running due west from the point which divides the grant to Alexander Stewart and the military reserve on the river Saint John; and westerly by the boundary line of the said County of Carleton.


The fifth Town or Parish to embrace all that part of the said County of Carleton which lies to the northward of the said two last described Towns or Parishes, on both sides of the river Saint John, and to be called, known and distinguished by the name of Madawaska.


C. 17. Anno III. Wm. IV.   A. D. 1833.
