Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Fort Havoc (Wallace Hale)

Info Le langage employé dans les textes est celui utilisé par Wallace Hale. Les documents dont les Archives provinciales font l’acquisition ne sont pas traduits de la langue dans laquelle ils ont été produits.

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An ACT, to authorize certain persons to build a bridge across the Kennebeccasis River in the Parishes of Hampton and Kingston, in King's County.

Passed 8th March, 1836.


WHEREAS the erection of a free bridge across the river Kennebeccasis near the present line of great road would greatly increase the facilities for travelling and be of great public benefit:   And whereas certain persons are willing and desirous of building such a bridge at their own expense on being legally authorized so to do;

Persons herein named and associates empowered to build a bridge over the Kennebeccasis.



I.   Be it therefore enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Legislative Council, and Assembly, That Azor Hoyt, Sylvester Z. Earle, Edwin Fairweather, Thomas Secord, Lyman C. L. Perkins, together with such other persons as may hereafter associate with them and their successors, be and they are hereby authorized to build a bridge over the Kennebeccasis river in the Parishes of Hampton and Kingston, such bridge to be erected near the house of Lyman C. L. Perkins in Kingston, commencing on land of persons named in this Act, and crossing the said river to land of Thomas Secord also named in this Act, on the south side of the same river in the Parish of Hampton.

To be built of durable materials and admit the free passage of the water, rafts &c.

II.   And be it enacted, That the said bridge be built of good and durable materials and so constructed as to admit the free passage of the waters of the Kennebeccasis river and the free and navigable pasage for rafts, logs and timber at any season of the year, and the said bridge to be at least twenty four feet wide.

Expenses to be borne by the persons named and associates, and passage over to be free.

III.   And be it enacted, That the expenses of building the said bridge shall be borne by the persons named in this Act and their associates, and when the same shall be finished it shall be free for all persons at all times to pass and repass over the same with their teams and carriages without any expense whatever.

Construction of abutments and piers.



IV.   And be it enacted, That the said bridge may be erected upon abutments to be placed at each end and with no more than six piers between the abutments, of such width and length as may be considered sufficient:   Provided however, that the passage of the water shall not be obstructed more than sixteen feet by each pier, and that a space of not less than forty feet shall be left between the said piers.

Draw or slide for passage of vessels.

V.   And be it enacted, That the persons named in this Act and their associates shall make a sufficient draw or slide in the said bridge for the passage of vessels navigating the said river Kennebeccasis, with proper chains and pulleys for opening and closing the same.

When completed to be public property.

VI.   And be it enacted, That when the said bridge and the draw or slide therein shall be fully finished and ready for use, the same shall become public property.

Plan and specification to be submitted for approval to the Supervisor &c.






VII.   And be it enacted, That a plan and specification of the said bridge shall be submitted to the Supervisor of that District of the great road from Saint John to the Nova Scotia line in which Hampton ferry lies, or in case of his sickness or absence to such other person as the Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief shall for that purpose appoint, and such Supervisor or other person as aforesaid shall approve of the plan and specification and of the site of the said bridge before the same is commenced, and such Supervisor or other person as aforesaid shall and may from time to time as he shall see fit inspect and examine the material and work of the said bridge while the same is in progress and after the same is completed; and the said persons authorized to build the said bridge shall not be deemed to have complied with the requisites of this Act until such Supervisor or other person as aforesaid shall have certified to the Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief, that the said bridge has been built and completed in all respects according to the provisions of this Act.

Bridge to be erected within three years.

VIII.   Provided always and be it enacted, That if the said bridge shall not be erected and completed within three years from the passing of this Act, then this Act and every thing therein contained shall be null and void.


C. 30. Anno VI. Wm. IV.   A. D. 1836.
