Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

The Golden Jubilee: A New Brunswick Tribute

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New Brunswick Celebrates the Coronation

The Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953 was a joyous yet solemn occasion marked by pomp and ceremony, religious services, and community celebrations. More than 700 active and reserve members of the Canadian Armed Forces, including representatives from New Brunswick, took part in Coronation Day events in London. They attended the Coronation service, guarded Buckingham Palace, lined city streets, and marched in the state procession as part of Canada’s Coronation Contingent. At home New Brunswickers celebrated the Coronation in style. They rose early to catch radio broadcasts of the impressive ceremony from London. Men, women, and children prayed in houses of worship, marched in Coronation Day parades, cheered at fireworks, stood at attention for Royal salutes, and danced at Coronation Balls.
