Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Dictionary of Miramichi Biography

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TURNER, BENJAMIN WILFRED, United Church minister, Boiestown, 1935-37; b. Charlottetown, 27 Jun 1881, s/o S. Theophilus Turner and Susanna Carter; m. Florence A. Cosman, of Sussex, N.B.; d. Saint John, 23 Feb 1960.

Benjamin W. Turner was received into the Methodist ministry on trial in 1909 and was a probationer at Bocabec, N.B., before he enrolled at Mount Allison University to study theology. Ordained in 1914, he spent his entire career in Methodist and United Church pulpits in rural New Brunswick. He arrived in Boiestown from the church at Southampton, and when he left, it was to accept a call to the village of Albert. He retired in 1946. Shortly before his death in 1960 he moved to Saint John. He was survived by his wife, Florence A. Cosman, four sons, and a daughter.


[b] UC archives [d] Globe 24 Feb 1960 / Walkington
