Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Kings County Record Newspaper : Death Index, 1897-1936 (MC3952 : John Fynn Collection)

Introduction Introduction| Language Language| Help Help| Name Index Name Index
Contains all the records grouped by family or maiden name to facilitate searching.
11,263 records available in this database
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
info 208 name(s) found containing 1,195 record(s).
Names are in alphabetical order from left to right.
Enter part of a name to filter the list
CADY [1 record] CAHALL [1 record] CAHILL [3 records] CAIL [1 record]
CAIN [10 records] CAIRNES [1 record] CALDER [2 records] CALDWELL [8 records]
CALHOUN [7 records] CALKINS [1 record] CALL [1 record] CALLAHAN [3 records]
CALLENDER [1 record] CALLEY [1 record] CALLUHAN [1 record] CALVIN [2 records]
CAMERON [21 records] CAMP [5 records] CAMPBELL [122 records] CANE [1 record]
CANNING [5 records] CANNON [2 records] CANTWELL [1 record] CAPSON [1 record]
CAREY [2 records] CARL [1 record] CARLE [4 records] CARLETON [9 records]
CARLISLE [3 records] CARLISS [1 record] CARLL [6 records] CARLYLE [2 records]
CARMICHAEL [8 records] CARNEY [8 records] CARNWATH [1 record] CARPENTER [7 records]
CARR [19 records] CARRIER [1 record] CARROL [1 record] CARSON [31 records]
CARTEN [2 records] CARTER [13 records] CARTIN [1 record] CARVELL [3 records]
CARVILLE [1 record] CASE [6 records] CASEY [1 record] CASKILL [1 record]
CASSIDY [10 records] CATHLINE [1 record] CATHRINE [1 record] CATING [2 records]
CAULFIELD [1 record] CAY [1 record] CHALONER [2 records] CHAMBERLAIN [4 records]
CHAMBERS [29 records] CHANDLER [1 record] CHAPMAN [29 records] CHARLTON [8 records]
CHARTERS [5 records] CHASE [3 records] CHESLEY [1 record] CHESTNUT [10 records]
CHIDWICK [1 record] CHIPMAN [1 record] CHISHOLM [3 records] CHITTICK [9 records]
CHOWN [7 records] CHRISTIE [3 records] CHURCH [2 records] CHUTE [1 record]
CLAIN [10 records] CLANCY [3 records] CLARK [25 records] CLARKE [18 records]
CLARKSON [1 record] CLAYTON [1 record] CLEE [1 record] CLEMENTS [3 records]
CLERKE [1 record] CLEVELAND [8 records] CLIFF [1 record] CLIFFORD [1 record]
CLINCH [1 record] CLOWES [1 record] COATES [45 records] COATS [1 record]
COCHRAN [3 records] COCHRANE [13 records] COCKBURN [1 record] CODY [4 records]
COES [1 record] COFFEY [1 record] COGGAN [1 record] COGGAR [2 records]
COGGER [7 records] COGGIN [2 records] COGGON [8 records] COLE [13 records]
COLEMAN [16 records] COLGAN [1 record] COLLETTE [1 record] COLLIER [3 records]
COLLINS [15 records] COLPITTS [45 records] COLTER [2 records] COLWELL [3 records]
COMEAU [2 records] CONGLE [1 record] CONLEY [2 records] CONNELL [1 record]
CONNELY [7 records] CONNER [3 records] CONNERS [1 record] CONNOR [5 records]
CONNORS [12 records] CONNORY [1 record] CONSTANTINE [7 records] CONWAY [4 records]
COOK [16 records] COOKE [2 records] COOKSON [2 records] COON [1 record]
COOPER [7 records] COPP [2 records] CORAM [1 record] CORBETT [7 records]
CORBETTE [1 record] CORBITT [5 records] COREY [23 records] CORMIER [1 record]
CORNWALL [1 record] CORP [1 record] CORSCADDEN [2 records] COSMAN [18 records]
COSSEBOOM [1 record] COSTIGAN [1 record] COTHER [1 record] COTTER [8 records]
COUGHLAN [4 records] COUGHLIN [3 records] COUGLE [13 records] COULTER [1 record]
COURSER [1 record] COURTENAY [1 record] COURTENEY [1 record] COURTNEY [2 records]
COUSTON [1 record] COWAN [7 records] COWIE [2 records] COWLEY [1 record]
COX [4 records] COY [7 records] COYLE [1 record] CRABB [1 record]
CRABBE [2 records] CRAIG [9 records] CRAIGE [1 record] CRAIGS [2 records]
CRANDALL [10 records] CRAWFORD [53 records] CREALOCK [3 records] CREED [5 records]
CREGAN [1 record] CREIGHTON [11 records] CRESSEY [1 record] CRICHTON [1 record]
CRICKARD [1 record] CRILLEY [1 record] CRIPP [1 record] CRIPPS [23 records]
CRISP [2 records] CROCKETT [5 records] CROMBIE [3 records] CRONK [3 records]
CROSBY [1 record] CROSMAN [1 record] CROSSIN [1 record] CROSSLEY [1 record]
CROSSMAN [4 records] CROTHERS [16 records] CROTTY [1 record] CROUSE [1 record]
CROWE [10 records] CROWLEY [2 records] CROZIER [3 records] CRUSER [1 record]
CRUTHERS [1 record] CUDMORE [1 record] CULBERT [4 records] CULVERWELL [1 record]
CUMMING [1 record] CUMMINGS [15 records] CUMMINS [2 records] CUNINICK [1 record]
CUNNINGHAM [22 records] CURRAN [1 record] CURRAY [1 record] CURREN [1 record]
CURREY [1 record] CURRIE [8 records] CURRY [8 records] CURTIS [1 record]
CUSACK [13 records] CUSICK [2 records] CUSSACK [1 record] CUTTEN [1 record]
