Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Kings County Record Newspaper : Death Index, 1897-1936 (MC3952 : John Fynn Collection)

Introduction Introduction| Language Language| Help Help| Name Index Name Index
Contains all the records grouped by family or maiden name to facilitate searching.
11,263 records available in this database
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
info 172 name(s) found containing 817 record(s).
Names are in alphabetical order from left to right.
Enter part of a name to filter the list
HACKEY [1 record] HAGAN [1 record] HAGGARTY [1 record] HAILEY [1 record]
HAINES [1 record] HALE [1 record] HALETT [1 record] HALEY [4 records]
HALL [33 records] HALLET [1 record] HALLETT [20 records] HALSALL [1 record]
HAMBELTON [1 record] HAMBLET [1 record] HAMILTON [29 records] HAMM [3 records]
HAMMOND [1 record] HANBURY [1 record] HANCOCK [1 record] HANDREN [1 record]
HANFORD [1 record] HANINGTON [2 records] HANLEY [5 records] HANLIN [2 records]
HANLON [4 records] HANNAH [2 records] HANNIGAN [2 records] HANSARD [1 record]
HANSCOMB [1 record] HANSFORD [1 record] HANSON [3 records] HARDING [4 records]
HARDY [1 record] HARGREAVES [2 records] HARKINS [2 records] HARMER [7 records]
HARNETT [1 record] HARPER [16 records] HARRETT [1 record] HARRINGTON [7 records]
HARRIS [4 records] HARRISON [19 records] HARRITY [1 record] HART [3 records]
HARTLEY [1 record] HARTT [1 record] HARVEY [5 records] HASLAM [14 records]
HASLETT [3 records] HASSAN [1 record] HASTINGS [2 records] HATFIELD [10 records]
HATHEWAY [1 record] HATTAY [1 record] HAWBOLD [1 record] HAWKE [1 record]
HAWKES [4 records] HAWKS [3 records] HAY [4 records] HAYES [54 records]
HAYTER [1 record] HAYWARD [26 records] HAZEL [1 record] HAZEN [13 records]
HAZLITT [1 record] HEANS [1 record] HEARN [1 record] HEENAN [1 record]
HEFFER [7 records] HEGAN [1 record] HEIFFER [1 record] HEINE [7 records]
HELMS [2 records] HEMPHILL [1 record] HEMSWORTH [1 record] HEMUS [1 record]
HENDERSON [37 records] HENDRICKS [8 records] HENESSY [1 record] HENNESSEY [1 record]
HENNIGAR [1 record] HENRY [8 records] HERRETT [3 records] HERRINGTON [3 records]
HERRITT [2 records] HERSEY [1 record] HETHERINGTON [6 records] HETRICK [1 record]
HEUITT [1 record] HEUSTIS [1 record] HEUSTON [1 record] HEWETT [1 record]
HIBBARD [1 record] HICKEY [1 record] HICKMAN [2 records] HICKS [28 records]
HICKSON [5 records] HIGGINS [3 records] HILL [12 records] HILLCOAT [1 record]
HILLMAN [1 record] HILLOAT [1 record] HILLSON [1 record] HILTZ [2 records]
HILYARD [1 record] HIRSCH [1 record] HIRTLE [1 record] HOAG [1 record]
HOAR [4 records] HOBEN [1 record] HOCKEN [1 record] HODGEN [1 record]
HODGES [1 record] HODGIN [4 records] HODSMYTH [3 records] HOEGG [2 records]
HOEY [2 records] HOFFLER [1 record] HOGAN [12 records] HOLDEN [1 record]
HOLDER [4 records] HOLEMAN [1 record] HOLLAND [1 record] HOLLIGAN [1 record]
HOLLOWAY [1 record] HOLLY [1 record] HOLMAN [3 records] HOLMDEN [1 record]
HOLMES [12 records] HOMER [1 record] HOOD-ROWAN [1 record] HOOPER [3 records]
HOPCROFT [1 record] HOPE [1 record] HOPEY [3 records] HOPKINS [1 record]
HOPPER [5 records] HORNBROOK [15 records] HORSEMAN [2 records] HORSFORD [1 record]
HORSMAN [3 records] HORTON [2 records] HOSFORD [11 records] HOULAHAN [1 record]
HOULIHAN [1 record] HOURIHAN [7 records] HOWARD [13 records] HOWE [12 records]
HOWES [9 records] HOYT [9 records] HUBBARD [2 records] HUBLY [2 records]
HUESTIS [2 records] HUESTON [3 records] HUGGARD [32 records] HUGHES [8 records]
HUGHSON [13 records] HUM [2 records] HUMBERT [1 record] HUMPHREY [28 records]
HUMPHREYS [5 records] HUNDSON [1 record] HUNT [9 records] HUNTER [28 records]
HUSTION [1 record] HUSTON [1 record] HUTCHINGS [4 records] HUTCHINS [2 records]
HUTCHINSON [3 records] HUTCHISON [1 record] HUTTON [1 record] HYNES [2 records]
