Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Kings County Record Newspaper : Death Index, 1897-1936 (MC3952 : John Fynn Collection)

Introduction Introduction| Language Language| Help Help| Name Index Name Index
Contains all the records grouped by family or maiden name to facilitate searching.
11,263 records available in this database
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
info 107 name(s) found containing 774 record(s).
Names are in alphabetical order from left to right.
Enter part of a name to filter the list
PACKARD [2 records] PADDOCK [4 records] PAISLEY [3 records] PAKULSKI [1 record]
PALMER [19 records] PARKER [9 records] PARKES [2 records] PARKIN [10 records]
PARKINS [1 record] PARKS [11 records] PARLEE [99 records] PARMENTER [1 record]
PARSONS [3 records] PASCO [1 record] PATRIQUIN [4 records] PATTERSON [48 records]
PATTON [8 records] PAUL [2 records] PAYNE [4 records] PAYNTER [3 records]
PEACOCK [1 record] PEARCE [3 records] PEARN [1 record] PEARSON [42 records]
PECK [5 records] PEDERSON [1 record] PELLETIER [1 record] PENDERGHAST [1 record]
PENDERGRASS [2 records] PENNA [1 record] PENNY [1 record] PENTREATH [1 record]
PERKINS [33 records] PERRY [64 records] PETERS [20 records] PETERSON [2 records]
PETTINGELL [2 records] PHAIR [2 records] PHELPS [3 records] PHILIPS [5 records]
PHILLIPS [2 records] PHINNEY [2 records] PHIPPS [3 records] PICKEL [1 record]
PICKET [1 record] PICKETT [13 records] PICKLE [12 records] PICKLES [3 records]
PICTOU [1 record] PIDGEON [3 records] PIERCE [8 records] PIERS [12 records]
PIGEON [1 record] PIKE [1 record] PILLSBURY [1 record] PINNEY [1 record]
PITFIELD [9 records] PITT [6 records] PITTFIELD [3 records] PLATT [1 record]
PLUME [2 records] PLUMMER [2 records] POIRIER [1 record] POLEY [3 records]
POLLACK [1 record] POLLEY [2 records] POLLOCK [14 records] POLLY [1 record]
POOLEY [1 record] PORTER [18 records] POTTER [1 record] POTZINGHAM [1 record]
POWELL [1 record] POWER [4 records] POWERS [3 records] PRATT [1 record]
PREBBLE [2 records] PREBLES [1 record] PRESCOTT [7 records] PRESTON [1 record]
PRIBBLE [1 record] PRICE [82 records] PRICHARD [2 records] PRIDDLE [1 record]
PRIDELL [1 record] PRIME [1 record] PRINCE [17 records] PRING [1 record]
PRITCHARD [1 record] PROCTOR [19 records] PROEBSTING [1 record] PROSSER [11 records]
PROUDFOOT [3 records] PROUTY [1 record] PROVAN [4 records] PRYOR [1 record]
PUDDINGTON [6 records] PUGSLEY [10 records] PULSIFER [7 records] PURCELL [1 record]
PURDY [8 records] PURRINGTON [1 record] PURSLOW [1 record] PURTILL [2 records]
PURTLE [10 records] PURVES [3 records] PYNE [1 record]
