Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Kings County Record Newspaper : Death Index, 1897-1936 (MC3952 : John Fynn Collection)

Introduction Introduction| Language Language| Help Help| Name Index Name Index
Contains all the records grouped by family or maiden name to facilitate searching.
11,263 records available in this database
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
info 96 name(s) found containing 778 record(s).
Names are in alphabetical order from left to right.
Enter part of a name to filter the list
[WHELPLEY] [1 record] [WHELPY] [1 record] WADDELL [5 records] WADE [2 records]
WAGNER [1 record] WALDRON [1 record] WALES [1 record] WALKER [58 records]
WALLACE [52 records] WALLON [1 record] WALPERT [3 records] WALSH [12 records]
WALTERS [4 records] WALTMAN [2 records] WALTON [17 records] WANAMAKER [8 records]
WANNAMAKER [8 records] WARD [26 records] WARMAN [1 record] WARNEFORD [5 records]
WARREN [6 records] WASHBURNE [1 record] WASON [1 record] WASSON [5 records]
WATERBURY [2 records] WATERTON [1 record] WATKINS [1 record] WATSON [19 records]
WATTERS [4 records] WATTON [1 record] WATTS [5 records] WEATHERHEAD [1 record]
WEBB [2 records] WEBBER [2 records] WEBSTER [11 records] WEDDERBURN [4 records]
WELDON [10 records] WELLING [2 records] WELLS [6 records] WESCOTT [1 record]
WEST [4 records] WESTON [1 record] WETHERBEE [1 record] WETMORE [58 records]
WEYMAN [6 records] WHALEN [14 records] WHEATON [20 records] WHELAN [4 records]
WHELPLEY [26 records] WHISTON [1 record] WHITE [61 records] WHITEHEAD [1 record]
WHITENECT [9 records] WHITESIDE [2 records] WHITESIDES [1 record] WHITING [1 record]
WHITMAN [1 record] WHITNECT [5 records] WHITNEY [10 records] WHITTAKER [4 records]
WHITTERS [6 records] WHITTIER [1 record] WIDLAKE [3 records] WIER [1 record]
WIGGINS [4 records] WIGMORE [1 record] WILBER [2 records] WILBUR [4 records]
WILCOX [9 records] WILES [4 records] WILEY [5 records] WILKINS [7 records]
WILKINSON [2 records] WILLIAMS [34 records] WILLIAMSON [4 records] WILLIGAR [1 record]
WILLIS [9 records] WILLS [1 record] WILMOT [5 records] WILSON [50 records]
WINSLOW [2 records] WISHART [1 record] WITTERS [1 record] WOLFAUL [1 record]
WOOD [20 records] WOODBURY [3 records] WOODEN [1 record] WOODROW [1 record]
WOODS [1 record] WORDEN [13 records] WORTMAN [17 records] WRATH [1 record]
WRIGHT [35 records] WRIGHTON [1 record] WRY [2 records] WYNN [1 record]
