Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Fort Havoc (Wallace Hale)

Info Le langage employé dans les textes est celui utilisé par Wallace Hale. Les documents dont les Archives provinciales font l’acquisition ne sont pas traduits de la langue dans laquelle ils ont été produits.

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An ACT to alter the Division Line between the Parishes of New-Castle and Northesk, in the County of Northumberland.

Passed 11th March, 1824.




WHEREAS the dividing Line of the two Parishes of New-Castle and Northesk, in the County of Northumberland, in the Division Line between the Public Lot number three, on which the Court House and Gaol of the said County stand, and the adjoining Lot number Two, and the prolongation of that Line:   And whereas the Settlements in the Vicinity of the said Court House, which form the Town or Village commonly called the Town of New-Castle, are extending themselves across the said Division Line into the said Parish of Northesk   And wheeas it will be convenient for the Inhabitants of that Village, for the whole of the said Village to be in one Parish;

Division Line described.


I.   Be it therefore enacted by the President, Council, and Assembly, That henceforth the Divison Line between the said Parishes, shall commence at the Bank or Shore of the North West Branch of the River Miramichi, at the upper or westerly Boundary of the Tract of Land formerly owned and for many years occupied by James Oxford, and extend thence or from the said Boundary, on a line North twenty-two degrees West, until it meets or intersects the prolongation of the rear or Southerly line of the First division of Lots in the Tracadie Grant to William Ferguson and associates, running West from the Sea Shore.

Alteration not to affect penalties incurred or assessments made.


II.   Provided always and be it further enacted, That the enlargement of the said Parish of New-Castle, as hereinbefore provided, shall not operate or be construed to operate, to release or exonerate any person who heretofore belonged to the said Parish of Northesk, or any property which heretofore was situated in the same Parish, and which will by this Act be placed in the Parish of New-Castle, from the payment of any penalty incurred, or any assessment which may have been made, before the passing of this Act, but the same may be recovered as if this Act had not been made.


C. 20. Anno V. Geo. IV.   A. D. 1824.
