Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Fort Havoc (Wallace Hale)

Info Le langage employé dans les textes est celui utilisé par Wallace Hale. Les documents dont les Archives provinciales font l’acquisition ne sont pas traduits de la langue dans laquelle ils ont été produits.

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An ACT to provide for the conveyance of Criminals from County to County within the Province.

Passed 8th March, 1830.


WHEREAS it is necessary to make some provision for the conveyance of criminals from the County or places where found and arrested, to the Gaol of the County where the offence may have been committed;

Expense of removal of criminals from one County to another to be allowed by any two Justices of the County where the offence was committed.


Upon production of the order the Treasurer of the County to pay the same.

Be it therefore enacted by the President, Council, and Assembly, That whenever it may become necessary, to convey any criminal or person arrested, under any criminal charge, from the gaol of any County or place where so arrested, to the gaol of the County within which the offence may have been committed, it shall and may be lawful for any two Justices of the Peace, of the County, where the offence may have been committed, to agree upon, order and allow, such reasonable sum or sums as may be considered sufficient for the charge and expense of the conveyance of such criminal to the place of commitment; and such sum or sums so agreed upon, ordered and allowed, the Treasurer of the County, to which such criminal may be sent or conveyed, shall be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay upon the production of the order of such Justices, in favor of the person or persons therein named.


C. 19. Anno X. & XI. Geo. IV.   A. D. 1830.
