Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Fort Havoc (Wallace Hale)

Info Le langage employé dans les textes est celui utilisé par Wallace Hale. Les documents dont les Archives provinciales font l’acquisition ne sont pas traduits de la langue dans laquelle ils ont été produits.

Introduction | Généalogies | Documents de référence sur les Loyalistes | Textes de référence sur les Loyalistes | Nouveau-Brunswick | Album de W.O. Raymond | Listes de passagers de navires





















There are in the Archives several incomplete lists of the United Empire Loyalists, and many of them are not authenticated.

There are also other documents and series of documents bearing upon the United Empire Loyalists. These lists and documents, for the purpose of this report, are classified as follows:

(1) Those dealing exclusively with Upper and Lower Canada.

(2) Those pertaining to the Maritime Provinces, which have been divided into—

      (1) New Brunswick.

      (2) Nova Scotia (general).

(3) The general United Empire Loyalist list and other documents pertaining to all the Provinces.



The U. E. List for Upper Canada, formerly in the custody of the Privy Council office.

      (A thick book, bound in leather, with the title 'U. E. List' on the back.)

This is the only official U. E. list which we have. It was, without doubt, made from the Original District Rolls of Upper Canada, which are referred to in its pages.

It contains a supplement, but is not by any means complete. There are, however, many names in its pages; and it forms the backbone, as it were, of the possible U. E. List, so far as the Province of Upper Canada is concerned. This is the original list wherein the names of Loyalists were entered by Order in Council, or expunged or restored by the Lieutenant Governor's order. The dates of entry range from 1788 to 1824.

Many of the original district rolls referred to in this list are in the manuscript room in the Archives. These district lists are also incomplete. Yet there are a large number of them extant, and as they are official and the result of decisions of the courts of Session on the standing of the different persons claiming the rights and privileges of U. E. Loyalists, they are decisive as far as they go. These rolls are also valuable as defining exactly who were, and who were not, entitled to be considered U. E. Loyalists.

They describe the U. E. Loyalists as those 'who adhered to the unity of the empire (being dwellers in America), and joined the Royal Standard in America before the treaty of Separation in 1783.' These, and these alone, could claim the dignities, rights and privileges of U. E. Loyalists.

These District Rolls were the result of a Proclamation of Governor Simcoe, dated the 6th of April, 1796, containing the following:— 'Whereby it appears by the minutes of the Council of the late Province of Quebec, dated Monday, the 9th day of November, 1789, to have been the desire of His Excellency, Lord Dorchester, the Governor General, to put a mark of honour upon the families who adhered to the Unity of the Empire and joined the Royal Standard in America, before the Treaty of Separation in the year 1783, and for that purpose it was then ordered by His Excellency in Council, that the several Land Boards (should) take course in preserving a registry of the names of all persons falling under the description aforementioned, to the end that their posterity might be discriminated from (the then) future settlers in the parish registers and rolls of the militia of their respective districts and other public remembrances of the Province, as proper objects, by their persevering in the fidelity and conduct so honourable to their ancestors, for distinguished benefits and privileges.' But as such registry has not been generally made, and as it is still necessary to ascertain the persons and families who may have distinguished themselves as abovementioned, &c., do hereby direct all persons claiming to be confirmed by deed under seal of the Province of their several possessions, who adhered to the Unity of the Empire, and joined the Royal Standard in America, before the Treaty of Separation in the year 1783, to ascertain the same upon oath before Magistrates in the Michaelmas Quarter Sessions assembled, now next ensuing the date of this Proclamation, that if they neglect to ascertain according to the mode set forth, their claims to receive deeds without fee, they will not be considered as entitled, in this respect to the benefit of having adhered.

The District Rolls which we have in the Archives and which are the result of this Proclamation, are the following:—

(1) Eastern District. (Copy from original in Crown Office.) A Roll of Loyalists who adhered before the treaty of 1783, made, pursuant to Simcoe's Proclamation of 1796, at the Quarter Sessions of the above District, 11th October, 1796, vouched for or sworn before A. Campbell, Thos. Fraser and other J.P.'s. The list of 58 names at the end of the volume, is certified by Hugh Munro, Wm. Fraser and Thos. Fraser, J.P.'s, 15th December, 1797. To this list 3 names are added by O. C., 14th June, 1798. or sworn before A. Campbell, Thos. Fraser and other J.P.'s. The list of 58 names of U. E. Loyalists certified by Eph. Jones, Thos. Fraser and Allan Paterson, J.P.'s, at the Quarter Sessions, New Johnston, 11th October, 1796. (No cover.)

The body of the book, which is unpaged, contains the main roll of 1,277 names of U. E. Loyalists certified by Eph. Jones; Thos. Fraser; and Allan Paterson, J.P.'s at the Quarter Sessions, New Johnston, 11th Oct., 1796. (No cover.)

(2) Eastern District. Roll (continued) of U. E. Loyalists made at Quarter Sessions held from the 10th October to the 1st of November, 1797, pursuant to order of Peter Russell, Esq., for extending the time for enrolling of such U. E. Loyalists as had not been enrolled under the Proclamation of Gov. Simcoe of 6th April, 1796, 58 names; certified by Hugh Munro, Wm. Fraser, J.P.'s, 15th December, 1797, and signed also by T. Farrand, Clerk of the Peace, Eastern District. A large sheet folded.

(3) Eastern District. (Also Home and Midland Districts. Short lists.)

      (1) List alphabetical of U. E. Loyalists in Eastern District (names numbered up to 1,277), pp. 1 to 35 (not dated but note on p. 34 suggests 1803). The original list was made in 1798.

      (2) Eastern District. Additional list of U. E. Loyalists. Fifty-one names with note by P. Russell, dated 26th July, 1798. The original list was sent to D. Burns, 13th April, 1796.

      (3) Eastern Home and Midland Districts. A list of persons permitted to be entered on the U. E. list. No date; 22 names, p. 40. This book contains 42 pages, no cover.

      (4) Midland District. A Roll of the Inhabitants who adhered and joined the Royal Standard, before 1783, taken at the Quarter Sessions, Kingston, 11th October to 15th November, 1796, arranged according to Townships, and signed by R. Cartwright, Wm Atkinson and Thos. Markland, J.P.'s. Certified to be a correct copy from the originals in the Crown Office, by David Burns, Clerk of Crown, with additional list from several townships, and note p. 17, that Peter Valleau on 22nd June (1797?) was added to the list. 1,038 names, 17 pages, no cover.

      (5) Midland District. A Roll of Inhabitants who adhered to the unity of the Empire and joined the Royal Standard in America before the Treaty of Separation in 1783, taken in open sessions held at Kingston, October 11 and adjourned to 15th November, 1796. Signed by Richd. Cartwright, Thos. Markland and Wm. Atkinson, J.P.'s; also by Poole England, Acting Clerk of the Peace. (A large sheet, 6 columns wide and over 5 feet long; containing 972 names.)

      (6) Midland District. Addition to the U.E. List made at General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Midland District, held at Kingston, 10th October to 20th October (year not given). 60 names. Signed by R. Cartwright, W. Atkinson and Thos. Markland, J.P.'s. (4 long narrow sheets, 2 pages) in folder.

      (7) Midland District. List of names to be expunged from U.E. List 3 names, no date, p. 38 of No. 3.

      (8) Home (or Niagara) District. List of persons who have satisfied the Justices of the Home District, that they joined the Royal Standard in America before the year 1783. Copied from the records of the Court of Sessions for the District, and signed by R. Hamilton, Joseph Edwards, Geo. Forsyth, Arch. Cunningham, Thos. Ball and James Muirhead, J.P.'s, and certified to be a correct copy, by Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace, H.D. Flat book, without cover, 12 pages; paged and arranged alphabetically.

      (9) Home (Niagara) District. U.E. List. List of those persons who attended at the General Quarter Sessions for the Home District, holden at the Town of Newark, 11th October 1796. A very large sheet folded into 16 pages. List arranged alphabetically. Certified by R. Hamilton, Samuel Street and Wm. Dickson, J.P.'s. 12th January, 1797 (at Newark). 470 names.

      (10) Home (Niagara) District. U. E. Roll (continued) of all U. E. Loyalists in the Home District on the 31st October, 1797. Signed by R. Hamilton, Jos. Edwards and Geo. Forysyth, J.P.'s. A large sheet folded, arranged alphabetically, 145 names.

      (11) Home District. Roll of persons who appeared at the Quarter Sessions, and were admitted, as U.E. Loyalists, who adhered during the American War. A large sheet folded, with 484 names, and a small sheet attached with additional names of same date, 31st October, 1797. The small sheet has 2 pages. The large sheet is signed by Robt. Hamilton, Samuel Street, Wm. Dickson, J.P's. The additional list is signed by R. Hamilton, J. Muirhead, Geo. Forsyth, J.P.'s, together with addenda allowed by the Hon. The Ex. Council, signed David Burns, Clerk of the Crown, &c. Alphabetically arranged.

      (12) Home District. List of persons omitted in the Roll of U.E. Loyalists, filed in the Court of King's Bench through mistake and now added the 13th April, 1797. Signed by R. Hamilton, J. Muirhead, Geo. Forsyth, J.P.'s. 12 names, single sheet, one page.

      (13) Home District. List of names to be expunged from the U. E. list, 9 names, no date.

      (14) Western District U. E. Roll. Roll of persons residing in the Western District verified and vouched for by the different magistrates of the Western District, of having adhered to the Unity of the Empire by joining the Royal Standard in America prior to the Treaty of Separation in 1783, according to the Proclamation of His Excellency J. G. Simcoe, bearing date the 6th of April last. Signed, F. Baby, Paul Selby and Geo. Sharp, J.P.'s, Western District, and David Burns, Clerk of the Crown. No year given 41 names. One large sheet folded.

      (15) Western District U. E. List. Roll of persons residing in the Western District for 1797, who have either been verified on oath, or vouched for by some magistrate of said district, of having adhered to the Unity of the Empire and joined the Royal Standard in America prior to the Treaty of Separation, 1783. Fifteen names. Signed by P. Selby, William Park and A. Tredelle, J.P.'s, W. Dist. Double sheet, 2 pages, 1797.

      (16) Western District. Roll of persons verified and vouched for by the different magistrates of the Western District, as having adhered to the Royal Standard in America prior to 1783, having date 6th April (no year given). Signed by F. Baby, J.P., P. Selby, Geo. Sharp, magistrates, and David Burns, Clerk of the Crown. Single sheet, 1 page, 41 names.

      (17) Western District. Roll of persons verified on oath or vouched for by some magistrate of the Western District, of having adhered to the Unity of the Empire and joined the Royal Standard prior to 1783. Signed by P. Selby, Thos. Smith and Gregor McGregor, J.P.'s, with note of query by P. Russell. (This query is important as it refers to the necessity of residence in revolted colonies, prior to and during the Rebellion in 1775.) Single sheet; 2 pages; no date, but likely 1796; 32 names.

      (18) A Schedule (or list) of U. E. Rolls. There is also in the U. E. Bundle in the MSS. Room, a Schedule of Rolls of U. E. Loyalists delivered to the Inspector General, W. McGill, on the 27th April, 1804.

These Rolls were fyled in the office of the Court of King's Bench by David Burns, Clerk of the Crown, on the same date. The list is as follows:—

  (1) A Roll of Loyalists, Eastern District, 11th October, 1796.

  (2) Roll (continuation) Eastern District, 10th October to 10th November, 1797.

  (3) Roll (imperfect copy of above) continuation not dated.

  (4) Roll (Midland Dist.), 11th October to 15th November, 1796.

  (5) Roll (additional) (Midland Dist.), 10th October to 20th October.

  (6) Roll (List) Home Dist. (Newark), 11th October, 1796.

  (7) Roll (names omitted in) Home Dist., added 13th April, 1797.

  (8) Roll (addenda to U. E. List Home Dist., no date.

  (9) Roll (U. E. Home Dist., Newark, 15th October, 1797.

(10) Roll (continued) U. E. Home Dist., 31st October, 1797.

(11) Roll (U. E., Western District; autumn, 1796.

(12) Roll (copy of No. 11 signed) David Burns.

There are 12 of these lists mentioned in this Schedule. Some of them are among those in the Roll List just mentioned in this report. Others are missing. There is attached to this Schedule of Rolls a letter from James Green to David Burns, Clerk of the Crown, dated at the Lieut. Governor's oce(sic) [office?] the 27th April, 1804. I insert the Schedule here as a necessary portion of the U. E. documents:—

These Rolls of the four Upper Canadian Districts; many of which as is shown, are similar lists, contain about 3,093 names, more or less, which can be considered to be established as those of U.E. Loyalists; and the names should be compared carefully with those in the Privy Council U.E. List.

These District Rolls were finally completed and made into one list about the year 1803. They are the authority upon which the claims of the greater majority of the Upper Canadian U.E. Loyalists are to be established, and the Privy Council List Book should be regarded as the nucleus of the Upper Canadian List.

The Privy Council List has also reference to Land Books 'D' and 'F.'

The marks in red ink after the names in the List refer as follows:—

X. This mark in red ink at the end of the word 'Expunged' referred to the Lieut. Governor's order of the 19th May, 1802. That 204 names of persons should be struck off and expunged until the persons proved that they have claims beyond the military services opposite their names. There follows a list of 204 persons.

*. This mark when found at the end of the word 'Expunged,' written in red ink, referred to the Lieut. Governor's order of the 25th May, 1802, ordering the striking off of 500 names from the U.E. List. But that if they hereafter make it open that they should remain there by claims beyond their military services noted against their respective names, they will not be deprived of any rights they had previous to the above report. A list of 500 names follows.

6. This mark when found at the end of the word 'Suspended,' written in red ink, referred to the Lieut. Governor's order of 6th November, 1804. 'That unless the following individuals can advance proof of his or her having being the head of a family before the Treaty of Separation in 1783, and of having joined the Royal Standard before that period, that they are not entitled to the same privilege as the original Loyalists.'

There are 200 names included in the list which follows.

It was also ordered (P-161-Land Book F) that these letters and lists be filed, and that in the copy of the U.E. Lists, kept in this office (Privy Council) there be made opposite the names of the persons, a mark in such manner as to prevent them receiving lands free of expense.

There are 3,043 names in the Main List of the Privy Council U.E. List of Upper Canada. The residence of each Loyalist, according to District or Town or Township, is also entered. There are notes in red ink opposite some of the names (as above) and there are a few letters pasted in the book dealing with restoration of names expunged; one, that of Bartholomew London, as late as 1826; showing that this list was for years regarded as the official one.

There are also 435 names in a special list at the back of the volume — 'Names inserted on the U.E. List by order of the Hon. the Executive Council.' These names date from 1792. There are also names restored as late as 1834.

Of the 3,043 names in the Main List—

      684 are marked expunged;
      234 are marked suspended; and
      113 are marked restored.

The final decision as to a claimant's right to be considered a U.E. Loyalist was founded upon the claimant's own statement in his petition for land. (See Land Books.)


Crown Lands Department List. The next important list is the copy in the manuscript room of the U. E. List in the Crown Lands Department of Ontario.

This book (M. 185) was copied far the Archives, under the supervision of Mr. Brymner, the late Archivist, in 1875. It is certified to be an exact copy of the original list, of the U. E. Loyalists settled in Upper Canada, in the Crown Lands Department of Ontario.

The above mentioned certificate is signed by Douglas Brymmer, the Archivist, and W. M. Rossiter, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa, 21st May, 1875.

This list, which is alphabetical, also gives the .residence of the Loyalists. It is the same as the Privy Council list, only larger. It appears that the former was the basis upon which this one was made. It describes each applicant, whether a soldier or not, giving regiment, &c. The descriptions and additional notes are in red ink.

Its authorities were the muster Rolls of the Loyalist Regiments, such as:—

(1) 1. Butler's Rangers.
      2. Royal Regiment of New York.
      3. Royal Rangers.
      4. Queen's Rangers, all of which are mentioned.

(2) There is reference also to the different District Land Boards, as Luneburg, Mecklenburg, also the Land Boards of Kingston, Adolphustown and Stormont.

(3) Other references are to the Provisions Lists. These lists were made up in connection with the rations served out to the early settlers. Those mentioned are:

      (1) Provision List, Kingston.
      (2)           "       "      New Johnston.
      (3)           "       "      Eastern District.
      (4)           "       "      Niagara, 1786.
      (5)           "       "      1786 and P. L. 2nd, 1786.

I have not been able to discover where these special Provision Lists are, if they still exist. That of Niagara is probably given in the Archives Report for 1891, page 2, tinder the heading of Rations. In the same volume of the Archives, there, are several lists of the disbanded Rangers and other Loyalist Corps, with a general abstract of men, women and children, settled in the new townships on the River St. Lawrence, to which I will refer later. Besides the Provision and other lists there is reference to—

      (4 Captain Burns' Muster Absentees.
      And also to,
      (5) The Stamped Books.

I have not been able to discover the original stamped books. These may be in Toronto, though they do not appear to be at the Crown Land's office or at the Ontario Archives office. The stamped books referred to are:—

      (1) Niagara Stamped Book.
      (2) Midland and Eastern District Stamped Book.
      (3) Stamped Book (no District mentioned).

This list (Crown Lands) was checked by the original Rolls, Provision Lists and Regimental Muster Rolls. The descriptions of the claimants were generally found in the Land Board Certificates given them. This Crown Land list, complete with an appendix, is printed in the Centennial Celebration volume of the U. E. Loyalists of 1884, a copy of which is in the Archives Library.

The volume has 348 pages, containing a main list, alphabetically arranged, of 270 pages of about 23 names each and a supplementary list of 78 pages.

The main list contains 3,185 names counting the additions. The supplementary list contains 17 names inserted by order of the Honourable the Executive Council during 1797-98-99.

A supplementary list (very important) contains about 2,800 names. This list is also published in full in the Celebration volume (U.E.) of 1884.

The two lists in the volume bring up the number of United Empire Loyalists in the province to close upon 6,000 or 5,985, an increase on that of the Privy Council of 2,942 names.


U.E. List (partial). This list is in the bundle of U.E. papers in the manuscript room of the Archives. It is arranged alphabetically, with remarks. It is a book, with a limp cover, of 78 pages (not paged) containing over 2,652 names. The names are located according to townships. It is not signed, and the remarks, as in the other lists, are entered in red ink. There is no date. Many of the names in this list are, no doubt, merely those of military claimants. The Loyalists are marked U.E. opposite each name in red ink. This partial list seems to have been made from the returns of the disbanded troops of Loyalists settled in the townships in 1784, the names being entered in blocks in the different townships, which are numbered, or mentioned by name up to or above Cataraqui, and in the Niagara District. These settlements are referred to in the Haldimand Papers. The title 011 the cover of this volume is 'U.E. List with remarks (partial).'



With the above volume there is a book of similar size and appearance, as. a companion book to the Partial List. The title on the cover of this volume is 'Names of Persons ordered to be inserted on the U.E List.' It is also probably only partial, as it contains only 71 names arranged under alphabetical divisions. With each name is a description of the person; and, if a soldier, the regiment is mentioned and the date of the ordered insertion, and (in some cases) the date when the claimant joined the service.


U.E. Warrant List (1806). Sons of U.E. Loyalists and daughters of U.E. Loyalists and Military Claimants.

This is a list of 280 names of Loyalists, sons of Loyalists, daughters of Loyalists, and Military Claimants, to whom warrants were issued by the Executive Council between the 1st of January and the 31st of December, 1806. This is probably one of a series continued for several years. This List is also in the bundle of U.E. Papers in the MS. room.

In this connection I might mention that there are several large U.E. and sons of Loyalists and daughters of Loyalists warrant books in the Archives MSS. room, which contain long lists of Loyalist parents of the persons receiving lands as S.U.E. and D.U.E. This was the result of the Act passed that all sons of U.E. Loyalists and daughters of U.E. Loyalists should be entitled to land under that right. (U.E. bundle in MSS. room.)


Warrant Books S.U.E. and D.U.E., Mil. Claimants, &c. These are:—

No. 1. Warrant Book. Full fees. Privileged warrants. 29th April, 1796, to 31st August, 1796. Contents, date of warrants, names of persons, by what order, &c.

No. 2. Warrant Book. Full and half fees. November 11, 1797, to December 26, 1800.

No. 3. Warrant Book. Full and half fees. S.U.E. and D.U.E. 1798 to 1811.

No. 4. Warrant Book. S.U.E. and D.U.E. Full fees and privileged. 1799 to 1805. The grants are from 1799, the issue from 1800.

No. 5. Warrant Book. Full and half fees. March 14, 1805, to November 3, 1807.

No. 6. Warrant Book. Full and half fees. S. U. E. and D. U. E. from 3rd November, 1807 to 1811. Issue from 1807, but grants earlier.

No. 7. Warrant Book. Full and half fees. S. U. E. and D. U. E., 1796 to 1823 contains 110 pages of warrant grants.

No. 8. Warrant Book. Full and half fees.

No. 9. Warrant Book. Full and half fees. April 2, 1817, to March 17, 1837. Under regulations of July 6, 1804.

No. 10. Warrant Book. S. U. E. and D. U. E., 1817 to 1841. Under regulations of 1796-7 and 1804.
      Details— Number. Daughter or son or wife of U. E.
                       Name. Name of U. E.
                       Township. When granted.
                       County. When issued.
                       District. Name of agent, if any.

It contains about 1,100 names of U. E. Loyalists.

No. 11. Warrant Book. Full and half fees, 1819. Same as No. 10.

These 11 Warrant Books, as can be seen by their contents, are among the most important U. E. documents of Upper Canada.


There are other volumes dealing with the U. E. Loyalists, such as:—

(1) Lists of Grants of Land for U. E. Loyalists, and Military Claimants, 1792, under Simcoe and Russell. Details (1) No. of grant, (2) name of grantee, (3) No. of acres, (4) township, (5) remarks. This covers the Eastern, Western, Midland and Home District. (MSS. room.)

(2) Land Committee Minutes, Vol III. From 23rd October, 1799 (MSS. room). Contains names of U. E. Loyalists, and is a valuable reference on the subject of U. E Claims and Rights. The other volumes seem to be missing.

(3) Order for Location, S. U. E. and D. U. E. A Warrant Book. This should be with the other Warrant Books mentioned above, runs from 1829, 1834 to 1851. This is also of some value as a U. E. document. (MSS. room.)

(4) S. Series The Grievances of the Loyalists at Sorel, 1786.

(5) The Sorel Loyalists Papers, 1787, containing memorials, complaints and petitions from persons in that settlement. (For Sorel, see also Haldimand Papers, also S. Series, 1786.)

(6) Loyalist settlers, Niagara, 1784-1785. This is a return of Loyalist settlers at, and in, the dependencies of Niagara, who have taken the oaths of allegiance to His Majesty, with the number of their families.
Details. Heads of families, men, women, children, number of each family.
Contains 332 names of heads of families and 779 persons. It is signed by Colonel De Peyster as Commander of the Upper Posts. This is a valuable list. (In the U. E. Bundle, MSS. room.)

(7) List of American officers who were reduced in the years 1783 and 1784 and paid by the Commissariat from 1st January, 1828, and showing the period of their deaths as far as can be obtained with those who now remain on the list. Contains 46 names, all of the old Loyalist American Regiments. This list is important; it is made out by the Commissariat at Quebec, 16th May, 1835. Signed, R. Routh.

(8) Mecklenburg and Luneburg. Land under certificates of location, 1790. (Duplicate volumes MSS. room.)


(1) U.E. List in two parts (in U.E. bundle MSS. room). Entitled A to D with grants to U.E. Loyalists. Alphabetically arranged from A to D. (This book has no cover, is not paged, names not numbered, unsigned, and no date.

(2) Second part of (1), the same handwriting, the same details from D to G, unsigned and no date. It contains a great many names. The title on the cover of the second part is (Original D).


Descendants of U.E. Loyalists (List of), alphabetically arranged from 'A' to 'F,' with land grants to (incomplete). A book with paper cover, not paged, names not numbered, marginal remarks. A great many names. Entry dates from 1Y96 to 1802, no date, unsigned. (U.E. bundle MSS. room.)


U. E. Petitions (Memorandum of). A large, limp book, brown paper cover, 20 pages, not paged, with three sheets pasted in cover.


(1) Schedule of 42 U.E. Petitions, 26th May, 1803. Signed by John Beikie.

(2) Copy of an affidavit of David Babcock, 25th January, 1804.

(3) Alphabetical List of U.E. Petitions, not decided upon, on 8th February, 1804. 55 names. (This is the body of the book, not paged.)

(4) Form of Petition for daughter of a U.E. unmarried.

(5) Form of Petition for daughter of U.E. married.

(6) Form of Petition for son of U.E.

(7) Form of Ticket of Agency to the Secretary to receive lands for a U.E. son of U.E. or daughter of U.E. under O.C. of 28th June, 1805. Signed Wm. Jarvis, Sec'y. (U.E. bundle MSS. room.)

These forms are important in connection with the history of the U.E. Petitions, and show the extension of the grants to the sons, and the daughters married and unmarried.


U.E. Schedule Books.

I have discovered in the Registry Branch of the Department of the Secretary of State, a list of cases of books, records, &c., transferred to Quebec on Thursday, 15th September, 1859. Among these cases, box 22 contained the following U.E. volumes for Upper Canada:—

(1) U.E. Schedule Home District 4 vols.
(2) U.E. Schedule Niagara District 2 vols.
(3) U.E. Schedule Western District 4 vols.
(4) U.E. Schedule Eastern District 4 vols.
(5) U.E. Schedule Midland District 4 vols.
(6) U.E. Schedule Johnston District 2 vols.

Twenty volumes in all. I cannot get any trace of these volumes in Ottawa. They were moved to Quebec in 1859, as the seat of the Government of Canada was moved there that year from Toronto.

The records, in the list referred to, belong to the Provincial Registrar's Office; and it is possible that these schedules may be in the Crown Lands Office for Ontario, though I can find no Order in Council transferring them. There was an O.C. transferring books and documents to the two provinces, Quebec and Ontario, after Confederation, in accord with the 143rd Section of the B.N.A. Act. This O.C. is dated 24th January, 1868, and a list of the class of documents sent to each province is given ; but neither these schedules nor any other U.E. records are among them.

I have written to the Office of Forests, Lands and Mines for Ontario, inquiring if they have the schedule books. They must have been the office Rolls of the U.E. Loyalists of the different districts, as the result of the holdings of the Sessional Courts; and their contents would be similar to the lists in the district rolls mentioned in section I. of this report, only much more complete and of later date. Their discovery would mean an important addition to the documentary sources of the U.E. Lists.


Lists of Disbanded Troops and Loyalists in the Q. Series, Canadian Archives and published in the Archives Report for 1891.

This report is very important in connection with the subject of the U. E. Loyalists of Upper Canada, as it is the only collection so far dealing with the foundation and settlement of Upper Canada.

The lists and returns are as follows:—

(1) Return by Lt.-Col. De Peyster of proposed settlement at Niagara, 1784, page 2.

(2) General abstract of Settlers on New Townships on St. Lawrence, 1784, page 5.

(3) Nominal Returns of Disbanded Soldiers and Loyalists by townships, 1784, pages 6 to 16.

(4) Abstract return of settlement in Province of Quebec, 1784, page 17.

(5) The same below, at and above Cataraqui, page 18.

(6) Return of Loyalists, Disbanded Soldiers for Chaleurs Bay, 9th June, 1784, page 18.

(7) Lists of applicants for land, Lower Canada, P. 17-18 (P. 20-21, Q. 60), Q. 61-2, P. 29), (P. 43-44-45), (60-69-107-119-128-129 to 132-141-143-168- 169-185-191-193-199-200. Upper Canada Page 78-79 to 83-105 to 108; also 138 to 154. Page 164 to 177. These land applications are to be found in the Q. Series in the MSS. room.


The Land Board Grants, Newark.

Those are Orders in Council which were sent to the Attorney General and contain a large number of names of U. E. Loyalists and military claimants. The dates of the grants run from 1796 to 1800. I have found another volume dealing with U. E. Loyalists in Upper Canada.


Warrant List, 1797 to 1805:—

Warrant List, 1797 to 1804. Being a list of all the warrants issued by the Clerk of the Council from the 21st December, 1797, to the present (1804), marking those under Order in Council prior to 22nd December, 1797, and placing 'U. E.' or 'Military Claimant' opposite to the names admitted to those distinctions, It is arranged alphabetically from A to Z. The details are:—

Admitted Distinction U.E.
Mil. claimt.
When issued
O.C. Date
Quantity of

This list contains 27 pages (unpaged) of about 38 names to a page, altogether about 1,000 names more or less, most of which are marked U. E.

This list is bound in a volume entitled 'Letters to the Governor General, No. 1,' date 1799 to 1804. (MSS Room.)


Land and State Books for Upper Canada and Lower Canada.

These books are among the principal sources of U. E. Loyalists claims and rights, especially the Land Books.

The Land Books of Lower Canada are in nine volumes, lettered alphabetically from A to I, but three volumes, B, C and F are missing.

Land Books, Lower Canada:

      A. From 1787 to 1790.
      B. (Missing.)
      C. (Missing.)
      D. From 15th June, 1795, to 22nd March, 1800.
      E. From 25th April, 1800, to 18th February, 1805.
      F. (Missing.)
      G. From 29th August, 1818, to 1st March, 1820.
      H. From 29th May, 1820, to 9th September, 1825.
      I. From 12th December, 1825, to 22nd May, 1835.

Land and State Books, Upper Canada.

These Land and State Books of Upper Canada are very important sources of U. E. claims. It was by means of these that the Government, in many cases, finally decided for or against claims.

In the Land Books the petitions for land were entered, and opposite each petition was placed in red ink a letter and number, the letter corresponding to the initial of the claimant's name. This reference was to the original petition of the person asking for land. There are a large number of these petitions, covering many years, and they contain in most cases the record or history of the petitioner with certificates from other persons, as to his military or other services or sufferings. It is in these papers, which are in the Archives, that the proof of right to be considered a U. E. Loyalist is found. In the books themselves there is often enough data to prove a case. But in the accompanying records the full statement of each individual case is contained. The claims are all fyled alphabetically under the petitioner's names for each year, as: John Doe, 31 D, 1805. The statement in the Land Book is 'granted' or 'not granted.' The earlier State and Land Books for Upper Canada are mixed as to their contents; so that both State and Land Books should be examined for U. E. petitions. The volumes are as follows:—

(Land and State)
July 8, 1792
Aug. 19, 1796
Apr. 11, 1797
Dec. 22, 1797
June 23, 1802
Apr. 2, 1804
Feb. 28, 1806
Apr. 9, 1808
Feb. 12, 1811
Aug. 13, 1816
Feb. 25, 1819
Jan. 16, 1821
June 27, 1796
April 7, 1797
Jan. 9, 1802
June 22, 1802
Mar. 28, 1804
Feb. 27, 1806
Mar. 29, 1808
Jan. 23, 1811
Aug. 10, 1816
Feb. 10, 1819
Dec. 27, 1820
Feb. 4, 1824

and so on to 'U.' from 4th July, 1839 to 6th February, 1841. These volumes are in the Manuscript room of the Archives.

These volumes and documents, as given in the fifteen sections of this report, complete, as far as can at present be discovered, the documentary sources, outside of the Haldimand Papers, which are given at the end of this report, or the history of the U.E. Loyalist lists, for Upper and Lower Canada, now in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. They comprise, including the Land Books, over one hundred and ten lists; of which the greater portion are in the Dominion Archives; and others like the U.E. Schedules, Provision Lists and Stamped Books have not been located anywhere, though it is possible that they may be in Ontario or Quebec.

To these lists may be added the type-written lists of names of claimants and witnesses gleaned from the U.E. Commissions, which have been copied in the Records Office in London.

These volumes will, however, be dealt with in another portion of this report, The Provision Lists and Muster Rolls for Lower Canada are to be found in the Haldimand Papers.




We have comparatively few U.E. Lists connected with New Brunswick. The documentary sources of the Maritime U.E. Loyalists are for the most part to be found in that province in the Land and other departments of the Provincial Government. There are other documents to be found in the Colonial Office in England, in the U.E. Loyalists papers there; and the names of many U.E. Loyalists, who went at first to the Maritime Provinces, are to be found later on the Upper and Lower Canadian lists.

1. — The St. John Loyalist List.

We have in the Archives in vol. M-124, what appears to be the original 'List of Loyalists drawing lands in St. John, New Brunswick, 1783-84.'

This manuscript really comprises three lists:—

(1) The Parr-town or main list containing 1,459 names, of grantees numbered from 1 to 1,459, with the date of grant opposite each name down to number 89.

(2) The Carleton List; also numbered, and containing 613 names.

(3) The Small Grants List.

A short list of what are called 'Small Grants,' containing 32 names.

A few names are erased in this manuscript. But it is, without doubt, the main list of the St. John City Settlement; and the basis of the New Brunswick list.

The Loyalists as they arrived drew their lots. They came in two fleets, one in May, 1783, and the second fleet in June of the same year.

The volume (M. 124) containing this list also contains a number of newspaper clippings, describing the Centennial of the coming of St. John and other New Brunswick Loyalists, by Dr. Hannay and other writers. Of these, the account in the St. John Telegraph of the 18th May, 1883, mentions two distinct grants in Parr-town:

(1) The Sayre Grant List—
This grant was to the Rev. James Sayre and associates, and contained 190 names.

(2) The Leonard Grant List—
To Thomas Leonard and associates, containing 90 names.

These lists are not in the Archives, and the Parr Town List, which we have, does not mention this division.

2. St. John River Loyalist Registers.

There are in the Archives copies (Hannay papers) of the Registers of Lots drawn by Loyalists on the River St. John. There are two of these lists.

(1) Register No. 1 of Lots drawn by Loyalists on the River St. John, Kennebecasis, &c. This register contains 100 foolscap pages of lists of names of persons in the different surveys or settlements, who drew lots, with number of lots and dates of grants during 1786-1787. There is also included a copy of a Government advertisement with .regard to lots of land to be drawn for in 1784.

(2) Register No. 2 of lots drawn by Loyalists on the River St. John, Kennebecasis, &c. This register contains 44 foolscap pages, and is a continuation of No. 1, with a similar list of surveys and lists of person drawing lots during 1786-1787.

In these registers will be found a pretty complete list of the St. John River Settlements.

3. — Index to New Brunswick Land Grants.

There is also a copy of the Index to New Brunswick Land Grants from 1784:. (Hannay papers, MSS. room.)

This index is alphabetically arranged, with page reference. It contains 64 foolscap papers of lists of names of persons to whom grants were made. It contains a great number of names of Loyalists and will be of value in making a New Brunswick list.

General, Nova Scotia Lists.

At the time of the first U. E settlement, the two provinces were one, known as Nova Scotia; and the lists and other documents referred to the whole original Province.

Among the principal sources of Maritime U. E. history are the Colonial Office Records, Nova Scotia, copies of which are in the manuscript room of the Dominion Archives.

These records contain all the correspondence with reference to the Loyalist Settlement. They comprise, especially those of 1783-84, contain a great deal of information regarding the number, character and claims of the Loyalist refugees, who poured during 1783-1784 into the Colony from New York, New England, Connecticut and some of the Southern States; and Governor Parr has much to say as to his great trouble in settling and satisfying the Loyalists. It was because of this great difficulty in arranging for the controlling of the refugees of the St. John River, that Parr suggested the dividing of the Province into two portions, with the result that New Brunswick was made a separate Province, while the Island of St. John (Prince Edward) was still a separate community, kept under the Government of Nova Scotia.

I. — Return of Disbanded Troops, other Loyalists, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick,

The principal document in this series is a general 'Return of all the disbanded troops and other Loyalists, who lately became settlers in the Province of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick,' dated the 4th November, 1784, and made up from the Muster Rolls taken from the several Muster Masters. The settlements on the roll are:—

Halifax Harbour
Ship Harbour
Sheet Harbour
Country Harbour
Island of St. John
Pictou & Merrigonish
Partridge Island
Cornwallis & Horton
Newport & Kenticoot
Windsor Road & Sackville
Annapolis & Granville
Bear River
Gulliver's Hole, St. Mary's Bay & Sissiboo
Nine Mile River
Chester Road
River St. John,
      (date not given)
At Halifax (objects of charity)
Chester, Lunenburg, Port Mouton
July 13, 1784
"   14,1784
May 28, 1784
July 17, 1784
June 2, 1784
"   5, 1784
"   13, 1784
"   21, 1784
"   12, 1784
July 21, 1784
"   26, 1784
June 28. 1784
"   28, 1784
"   4, 1784
May 27, 1784
"   20, 1784
July 8, 1784
June 24, 1784
"   25, 1784
May 29, 1784
June 6, 1784
July 19, 1784
"   27, 1784
"   21, 1784

In this list the settlements are mentioned, the date when each settlement was mustered, the number of men, women, children above and under 10 years of age, and servants.

The number of persons entitled to bounty of provisions, according to the return, was 26,757. The Roll is signed by order of Major General Campbell, Ed. Winslow, secretary.

The muster rolls, referred to in this Return for each of the Settlements, 27 in number, would contain the names of the Loyalists. I do not know the whereabouts of these rolls — whether preserved or not.

In the Archives Report of 1894, the late archivist in a note on page 408, refers to a Muster Roll, in the Archives Report for 1884, page xli, of the disbanded Loyalists. This Roll is in Colonel Morse's Report on Nova Scotia. Morse's Roll is identically the same with a slight difference as the one mentioned above. This one, and not Colonel Morse's, is the original Official Report; and the other is a mere copy. It is strange that the Archivist does not mention this Roll, but refers to Morse's as worth while being compared to a rough list of the settlements accompanying a letter of the 21st October, 1783.

Morse's Roll gives the total as 28,347, or 1,590 more persons than does the official Roll, in M. 502, otherwise it is the same as the other. It however, leaves out Sissiboo; and instead of Annapolis and Granville, speaks of Annapolis Royal, &c., and omits also Chester, Lunenburg and Port Mouton.

The most trustworthy of these two lists is no doubt the official one given above. In his Report (page lx., Archives, 1884) Colonel Morse acknowledges his source of information to be this roll. He says:— 'The number of new inhabitants, viz., the disbanded troops and Loyalists who came into this province since the peace, I shall be able to give with precision, the whole, having been mustered in the summer of 1784, in order to ascertain the number entitled to the Royal Bounty of provisions.'

II. — Fee List for Land Grants to Refugees.

M. 502, Col. Office Records, N.S., 17th November, 1784.

There is another list in the records of fees due for grants of land made to refugees, &c., from 1st April to 30th September, 1784. This list contains the names of many individuals and heads of Associated Parties asking for and obtaining land grants, the number of persons, seeking land according to this list is 6,013.

The original application Lists of the different Associated Parties should mention the Associates by name. These original applications should, if extant, be in the Nova Scotia or New Brunswick Land Departments or Archives. In this list there is also mentioned: 'town lots to 2,045 persons.' Some of these were probably settlers at Shelburne and other places. The original Lists would locate the grants and give the names.

III.— Other references in the Colonial Office Records N.S., are as follows:—

(1) Parr to Secretary of State, December 7, 1782, arrival of 501 refugees from Charleston.

(2) Paterson to Secretary of State, January 23, 1783, arrival of 500 refugees from Charleston, January 23, 1783.

(3) Associated Loyalists, New York, to Hammond, April 15, 1783. The Association now numbers 400 families. Transport to Port Roseway.

(4) Numbers of Loyalists arrived in N.S., instructions re (unsigned) to Lord President.

(5) Paterson to Secretary of State, May 20, 1783. Several thousand Loyalists have arrived; assistance to.

(6) Parr to Secretary of State, June 6, 1783. 7,000 Loyalists arrived; 3,000 provincial forces are to follow, besides others.

(7) June 7, 1783. Additional instructions re granting land, N.S., to Loyalists.

(8) June 10. -Ditto.

(9) June 10, 1783 or 1784. A draft of several instructions (undated).

(10) June 24. Secretary of State to Governor of N. S. re instructions in granting lands to Loyalists and Disbanded Soldiers.

(11) June, 1783. A return of families settled at Hillsborough with quantity of stock.

(12) August 5. Provisions for granting land to reduced Provincial Troops.

(13) August 8. Secretary of State to Paterson. Arrival of Loyalists; to be assisted.

(14) August 8. Proprietors of St. John Island (Prince Edward Island) have given up their land for use of Loyalists, disbanded soldiers.

(15) Disbanded soldiers. Amount of land to each, &c. (Secretary of State to Officer Commanding at Halifax) August 8.

(16) Parr to North, August 23. Upwards of 12,000 souls have already arrived from New York. All done possible to alleviate their distress, but has no instructions.

(17) Sir Guy Carleton to North, August 26. Re an Episcopate. Want of it helped Rebellion. Most of Loyalists members of Church of England.

(18) September 23. Acadian Company propose to set apart one-fourth of their lands for the Loyalists.

(19) September 30. Upwards of 13,000 persons have arrived at Halifax, Annapolis, Port Roseway, St. John River and Cumberland, and since end of July great numbers have landed at those places and Passamaquoddy, between the St. John and the St. Croix. It is believed that upwards of 18,000 have arrived. Upwards of 5,000 are at Port Roseway. The settlement at St. John the most numerous. From Carleton's letters, 8,000 or 10,000 more will be forced by the American temper to seek refuge in Nova Scotia.

(20) Parr to Nepean, October 4. Upwards of 20,000 Loyalists have arrived and many more to follow. Those arrived comfortably housed. Those lately come or to come will be miserable if a severe winter. Has done all he can for their comfort, but many unreasonable and complain.

(21) Parr to North, October 21. Number of refugees landed since 30th September about 2,000. Expense surveying, &c. Sends memorial from 100 families in Connecticut for settlement in Nova Scotia, &c. (Attached statements and memorial.)

(22) Parr to North, November 20. Tools for Loyalists arrived. Several ships have arrived with probably 25,000 souls. A most melancholy season for those unfortunate people to come into this climate, &c.

(23) Parr to Shelburne, December 16. Loyalists do not fall far short of 30,000 souls; their rapid settlement; the majority satisfied; towns built and enlarged; applications from several hundred families in New England and Connecticut. (This letter acknowledged by Lord Sydney. It gives a roseate picture.)

(24) Lord Charles Montague to Secretary of State, December 18. His Regiment raised from Loyalists in Carolina, to settle in Nova Scotia. 300 already arrived; expects 200 more. The men hutted near Halifax, &c.

(25) Parr to Carleton, December 31. Trouble among Loyalists at St. John.

(26) The following are not dated:—

      (1) Memorial of Col. Fanning.
      (2) Memorial of Richard Cumberland.
      (3) Description of River St. John and Townships.
      (4) Memorandum of lands granted to Loyalists in Nova Scotia.
      (5) Memo, of Tools.
      (6) Proposals for settlement for American Loyalists and other British Subjects in North East, N.S.
      (7) Considerations on .propriety of dividing Nova Scotia into two Governments with estimates attached.

(27) Jan. 1, 1784. Number of inhabitants in Province of Nova Scotia on 1st of January, 1784, as nearly as could possibly be collected from the different returns from the different places where they have set down. The total number of Loyalists is given as 27,700. (The Archivist here again refers to Morse's' Muster, as he calls it, and ignores the official Muster Roll of 4th November, 1784, to be found on page       of this report) which gives 26,757 as the total number of Loyalists or new settlers.

(28 Parr to North, January 15. Arrival of Refugee families. (Contains list of passengers by Transport Clinton.

(29) Campbell to North, February 2. Recommends continuation of allowance to Loyalists. About .10,000 in Shelburne; other settlements crowded.

(30) Parr to same, February 2. Additional provisions for Loyalists, &c.

(31) Parr to Sir G. Carleton, February 3. Settlers condition ; complaints of, &c.

(32) Parr to same, February 4. 30,000 souls have arrived from New York and other parts of Continent, &c.

(33) Campbell to Secretary of State, February 28. The King's wishes regarding memorial to be carried out, &c.

(34) Parr to Nepean, February 28. Has done all in his power for the Loyalists, some few are unreasonable.

(35) Same to Secretary of State, March 1. Loyalists ask for Representatives in the Assembly.

(36) Brooke Watson to Nepean, March 3. Distressing state of Loyalists in Nova Scotia.

(37) Jos. Aplin to C. H. P. Smith, March 6. Personal and general troubles between Loyalists and old settlers, Assembly, &c.

(38) March 10. Rev. Mr. Morgan on present state of Nova Scotia.

      (1) Hardships of Loyalists.
      (2) Their motives for removing to Nova Scotia.
      (3) The unpromising aspect of affairs, &c.

(39) Secretary of State to Parr, March 12. Delay in getting refugees on land, &c.

(40) Parr to Nepean, March 16. Colonel Lawrence will explain unreasonable request of 55 gentlemen for large grants.

(41) Provisions for Loyalists. (Col. Hewlett to North). March 17.

(42) Campbell to North, April 1. To continue issuing provisions to Loyalists, (enclosures).

(43) April 10. Expenses of Surveying for Loyalists.

(44) Parr to Nepean, April 10. Re grant to 55 gentlemen.

(45) Same to Sydney, April 10. 11,000 arrived at Shelburne, as many at River St. John; his efforts to settle them. Unreasonable demands; some confounded Attorneys among them.

(46) Same to Nepean, April 11. Defends his character against allegations, difficulty of surveyors, &c.

(47) Parr to Secretary of State, April 16. His concern for colonists, surveyors. &c.

(48) Campbell to Sydney, April 15. A board to check provision abuses. (Enclosure order to examine claims of Loyalists and disbanded soldiers to provisions).

(49) April 29. Return of names, titles, profession, &c., of persons petitioning for grant of 275,000 acres to 55 persons.

(50) April 30. Letters from a Gentleman in Halifax to a friend in London re condition of Loyalists, &c. Suggests division of country into two provinces.

(51) Parr to Nepean, May 1. Defends his action re Loyalists, &c.

(52) Campbell to Sydney, May 6. Has ordered musters at the outposts, of disbanded Soldiers, Loyalists, &c.

(53) May 6. Acadian Company offers to give up parts of lands in Nova Scotia to Loyalists in exchange for land on Bay of Chaleur.

(54) Parr to Sydney, May 12. (Private). Dissensions among Loyalists at Shelburne and River St. John.

(55) Same to Nepean, May 12. Same as (54).

(56) Captain Jadis, Loyalist, May 25. Loss of lands.

(57) Sydney to Parr, May 29. Divisions of Provinces into two Governments. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and Boundaries, &c., Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton under Nova Scotia Government.

(58) Same to same, June 4. Lieutenant Colonel Chalmers and Maryland Volunteers given time to settle.

(59) Sydney to Parr, June 7. Surprise at discontent of Loyalists and settlement of Island of St. John by Loyalists, &c.

(60) Sydney to Campbell, June 7. Provisions to Loyalists extended for a year, &c.

(61) Campbell to Sydney, June 14. Effect of ordering Musters satisfactory.

(62)Parr to Sydney, June 16. St. John Settlement. Dispute between the agents and people.

(63) June 17. Separation of New Brunswick into New Province — Carleton, Captain General.

(64) Loyalists settling and clearing land; trouble at St. John. (Parr to Sydney). July 26. Asks for separation of New Brunswick. Reasons given.

(65) August 10. Return of Loyalists; praying for passage to Nova Scotia in ship Fair American.

(66) Maryland Corp, grants made. Is not aware of Loyalists in Nova Scotia desiring to settle on St. John's Island. Parr to Sydney, August 10.

(67) August 12. Grants passed for 4, 882 families and are preparing 150 more at four to a family, about 20,120 souls.

(68) Sydney to Parr, August 25. The Fair American for Nova Scotia with Loyalists.

(69) Campbell to Sydney, August 26. Industry of Loyalists, &c.

(70) Parr to Nepean, September 3. Defends his action against Loyalist complaints; accuses the surveyors of deception.

(71) Same to Secretary of State, September 5. Disturbances at Shelburne, cause of.

(72) Same to Nepean, September 8. Dismissal of Magistrates.

(73) Secretary of State to Parr, October 8. Dissatisfaction of Loyalist Refugees, but natural, being driven from their homes and reduced to an inferior position.

(74) October 30. Return of disbanded men and Loyalists settling in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

(75) Parr to Nepean, November 17. Encloses account of fees due on Land Grants for refugees, from 1st April to 30th September, 1784.

(76) Parr to Sydney, December 6. Settlement of Loyalists, &c.

(77) Parr to Sydney, December 27. Civil order in new settlements. Gives the number of settlements, and the population in each. Total population, 20,400.

(78) Campbell to Sydney, December 29. Difficulty of making returns from dispersed condition of troops. Demands of disbanded soldiers and multitudes of Loyalists arrived and arriving.

(79) Edward Winslow to Nepean, no date. Complains bitterly of delay of land grants to Loyalists. Blames Governor Parr. (An extract, no address, probably towards end of 1784.)


(80) Parr to Nepean, January 2. (Private.) Loyalists at last contented, &c.

(81) Sydney to Campbell, March 8. Loyalists, expenses justifiable.

(82) Sydney to Parr, March 8. Refers to Loyalists; their condition.

(83) Nepean to Parr, March 9. Major Cortland, lots of. 3rd Batt. New Jersey Volunteers. Land for.

(84) Sydney to Parr, April 27. More arrivals, white and black, from St. Augustine.

(85) Campbell to Sydney, June 24. Has ordered a muster to prevent abuse in issue of provisions.

(86) Campbell to Sydney, August 29. A muster of Loyalists on St. John's Island (Prince Edward). They shall be victualled when this is completed.

(87) Magistrates of Shelburne to Parr, September 8. Send memorial to the King for continuation of provisions to Loyalists for two years longer.

(88) Campbell to Treasury, September 24. Calls attention to John Butler Dight. Claiming to be an agent for contractors of Provisions for Troops, Loyalists, &c.

(89) Parr to Sydney, September 31. Loyalist settlement of town lots in St. John one part 1,134 persons, another part 93 persons. In St. Andrews, one part 42 persons; Shelburne, 34 grants, 1,140 persons.

(90) Parr to Nepean, October 11. Encloses list of corps disbanded in Nova Scotia and settled on lands in 1784 and 1785.

(91) Campbell to Sydney, November 30. Sends as correct a return as can be made of disbanded troops and Loyalists in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick entitled to provisions:—

  Nova Scotia
Cape Breton
St. John's Island
New Brunswick

The Loyalists are not separated in this list.

A note adds, exclusive of the above numbers, 742 Loyalists and disbanded soldiers have been struck off the Provision List in Nova Scotia; 129 in the Island of St. John; and 71 in New Brunswick; these being considered unworthy. For the return of Loyalists for Cape Breton, see the Series B or Haldimand papers, B. 168, p. 43.


September 11. A list of Loyalist families at Quebec who wish to go to Cape Breton. 20 families, 74 persons. (B. 168, p. 113.)

A list of families for Cape Breton, 630 families, 3,150 persons.


(92) Campbell to Carleton, December 1. A further distribution of rations.

(93) Campbell to Sydney, December 10, Provisions for Loyalists and disbanded soldiers flour, beef and pork to New Brunswick.


(94) Parr to Sydney, January 2. Introduces Rev. Mr. Panton re church for scattered Loyalists.

(95) Parr to Sydney, January 28. Sends map of County Sydney with allotments to Loyalists, &c.

(96) Sydney to Parr, April 20. Further provisions for Loyalists, &c.

(97) Parr to Sydney, June 2. Lands grants and Loyalists.

(98) Parr to Sydney, June 3. Enclosed.

      (1) List of grants with names of grantees, number of acres, &c., total 321,464 acres.
      (2) Lists of lands escheated to provide settlements for Loyalists, &c., March 3, 1783 to September 12, 1785.

(99) Parr to Sydney, June 10. Memorial from Loyalists in Annapolis.

(100) Parr to Sydney, June 12. Plan of Nova Scotia containing places where Loyalists are settled.

(101) Duke of Manchester to Sydney, August 12. Memorial of Settlers, belonging to Lord Charles Montague's Regiment.


M. 649. In a section of State Correspondence numbered from 1 to 213, there. are references to the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Loyalists, in the following sections:— 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 21, 22, 23, 27, 34, 37, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 69, 74, 89, 96, 97, 99, 101, 106, 107, 109, 120, 121, 129, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 143, 147, 150, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 164, 165, 170, 173, 174, 178, 179, 180, 181 182, 184, 187, 189, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199, 201, 204, 206, 208.

This manuscript is an index to the State correspondence in the Nova Scotia archives, from May 5, 1783 to September 23, 1783. The Correspondence is largely the same as that in the Colonial Office Records, Nova Scotia; dealt with in the foregoing section of this Report.


We now come to the General U. E. Lists and other documents or those bearing on all the provinces.

We have in the Archives two such lists dealing with the U.E. Loyalists though they are neither of them correctly speaking U. E. lists.


One of these, which I will for convenience, call the Stevens list, is a typewritten volume, made for the late Mr. B. F. .Stevens from the Loyalist series in the Audit Office, London, England. This list comprises a long roll of names arranged alphabetically which have to do with the Loyalist claims submitted to the Commission appointed by Act of Parliament to hear the claims of Loyalists for property destroyed or confiscated during the Revolution. The Commissioners appointed in July, 1783, were Wilmot, Coke, Kingston, Dundas and Marsh. The courts were held at Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Montreal and London.

This list (the Stevens) is one of claimants before the Commissioners. Each name refers to a certain claim and cannot be verified or identified as that of a U.E. claimant except by reference to the records of claims from which it was taken. For this reason, while this list may have a future or present value it is of little use without the record of claims to which it belongs. If this list is ever to be of any real use to the Archives, the Claims Books of the Commissioners in the Audit Office in London, should be copied, for the Canadian Archives. At present the only way to use this list, or index of names in a special case would be to send the particular name under consideration across to England and have the claim referred to transcribed and sent to this office. This, as will be seen, is a laborious and slow proceeding and not satisfactory. Then as a medium of making out the U.E. List, this volume is of little, if any use, in its present state; as we have no proof that any name mentioned therein has any right to be placed in the U.E. List. At best, it is a roll of names of persons, claiming remuneration for losses, and of persons, bearing witness to the truth of those claims, and it does not even designate which claims were accepted or rejected by the Commissioners. It no doubt has many names of U. E. Loyalists in its columns, but does not show proof, of their being so, in its pages.

The volume reference accompanying the names on this list does not, I understand, refer to the volumes in the Audit Office, London, but rather to the pages of copies made for the City of New York Public Library. This renders this list even of less value as it stands, as we cannot be sure that the copies in New York are as accurate as the originals in London.

In connection with this list, it is necessary, in this report to refer to a list of claims, copied at Washington by Caniff Haight and published in the Ontario Archives Report (with index of names) for 1905. This list, says the Ontario Archives Report, comprises the original papers and notes of the Commission which were sent by Sir Henry Lefroy (who married a granddaughter of Colonel Dundas) to the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, while the transcript of these notes and papers was originally placed in the Audit Office in London. Why the original papers were held by the Commissioner and only copies kept in the public offices, it is difficult to understand; and we have no proof which (the Washington or the London records) are the originals. But it is a great pity that the copy published in the Ontario Reports was not made more carefully, and properly compared and attested.

This copy of the U. E claims was originally undertaken by Mr. James Bain, the late librarian of the Toronto Public Library. Mr. Bain was evidently not satisfied with the manner in which the work was done; and he complained to the Washington authorities, with the result that we have the following correspondence, which is now in the Dominion Archives. There is a communication from Mr. Friedenwald of the United States Archives to the Archivist, dated 26th April, 1900, and an extract from the letter to Mr. Bain, dated June 14, 1898. The statement says that the U. E. papers in question comprise 36 volumes, besides some miscellaneous papers and roughly cover from the year 1783 to that of 1790. It also states that the Nova Scotia Commission alone examined 1,400 cases, the others .were Army and Navy Claims. It adds that there are 34 volumes of 165 pages each, practically all indexed, which are mainly the records or journals of the Proceedings before Pemberton and Dundas. Mr. Friedenwald says: 'They are the minutes of the Proceedings of the Loyalist Commissioners appointed under Act of Parliament to have the claims of Loyalists for property confiscated or destroyed during the Revolution. They filled originally 43 volumes, but 8 volumes are now missing from our set. To these we have added a volume made up of miscellaneous papers, making 36 volumes in all. They are divided into five distinct classes as follows:—

      (1) Wilmot Papers, in three volumes, containing evidence taken in England, December, 1783, to May, 1784.

      (2) The Pemberton Papers, originally in 23 volumes, but now lacking volumes 3, 12, 13, 18 and 19. They contain evidence heard at Halifax, St. Johns, Quebec and Montreal, between November, 1785, and February, 1788.

      (3) The Dundas Papers, originally in 14 volumes, but now lacking volumes 2, 9 and 10. These contain evidence heard at Halifax, St. Johns, Quebec and Montreal, between December, 1785, and March, 1788.

      (4) Miscellaneous Papers. Three volumes, various dates.

      (5) Reports of the Committee, one volume, August, 1784, to May, 1789.

'All this evidence is copied in full, including1 the missing volumes; and forms a part of the papers relating to the Loyalist claims now in the Public Record Office, and being copied for the New York Public Library. I am convinced from what I have seen that there is nothing material in our documents or in the volumes missing from our series that is not in the Public Record Office.

'There is much more in the Public Record Office, London, than we have here. It is but fair to add, however, that so far as they go, ours are the originals. I regret that Mr. Bain has not regarded it as possible to ensure the corrections of the proposed publication, by having proofs read here. And I must take issue with his statement that it has not been done in the cases which he mentions.

'(Signed)   HERBERT FREIDENWALD.'      

From this it will be seen that the Stevens List is connected with the Claims Commission Records, a complete set of which is in London. To complete this side of the U. E. Documents it would be well to have what is not contained in the Ontario Archives Reports copied for our office at the Audit Office, London. In this way we would have full transcript of the U. E. Claims Commission, both those of the claims submitted, and the decisions of the Commissioners thereupon. This list contains the following index to certain volumes in the Loyalist Series in the Audit Office, London:—

      1-56. Memorials and evidences.
      57-70. Determinations.
      71-76. Claims for supplies to the Army and Navy.
      78-95. Various volumes of information as to cases and claims in the different provinces.
      99-102. Examinations and decisions on fresh claims (for temporary support).
      103-106. Losses by professions, &c.
      109. Commissioners Register of claims and awards.
      110-111. Various claims.
      112. List of claims withdrawn. This list contains about 250 pages of from 19 to 21 names each, or about 5,000 names.


We have lately received at the Archives Office another volume containing an index to claimants in the bundles of original papers in the Loyalist series, in the Audit Office, London. While the other (the Stevens) list refers to the volumes in the Audit Office, this one refers to the bundles therein.

These bundles consist, says the preface, of the original memorials, certificates, accounts and vouchers of the various claimants as presented to the Commission. In many cases, they are the same as those entered in the set of volumes containing the evidences taken before the Commissioners.

In other places they supplement those papers, with correspondence or other material.

Bundles 1-10 are claims for supplies furnished to the Army and Navy, and correspond with the volumes 71-76 in the other series. The names are not included in the main part of this index but are added at the end.

This list is, like the other, arranged alphabetically with reference to the bundles. It is much larger than the Stevens List, and on comparison of the two it appears to contain all the names found in the other with a large addition.

The following extract from the Bulletin of the New York Public Library, gives an idea of the transcripts of the Loyalist Claims Commission in that institution.

'Of these transcripts the Library has now received about 8,500 foolscap folio pages, substantially bound in 16 volumes, covering the following subjects:—

'Information and Intelligence conveyed to the commissioners to prevent imposition and fraud, 1782-1785,' in 1 vol.

'Examinations and Decisions on Old Claims for Temporary support. October to December, 1782,' in 2 vols.

'Examinations and Decisions on Fresh Claims for Temporary Support. December, 1782 to 1790,' in 2 vols.

'Examinations and Decisions on Fresh Claims for Temporary Support, December, 1782 to 1790,' in 5 vols.

'Minutes of the Proceedings of the Commissioners in London. August 9, 1785, to March 25, 1890,' in 1 vol.

'Minutes of the Proceedings of the Commissioners in Nova Scotia. November 17, 1785, to April 15, 1788,' in 1 vol.

'Summary of the Proceedings of the Commissioners, being their several Reports and Statements, with the Names of the Claimants, amounts of Claims, and Particulars of Liquidation, 1784-1789,' in 1 vol.

Connecticut claimants in 1 vol.

'Examinations in Nova Scotia, &c., Memorials, Schedules of Losses and Evidences ; Delaware, Georgia, Maryland and some Massachusetts claimants,' in 1 vol.

'Examinations in Nova Scotia, &c.; Memorials, Schedules of Losses and Evidences; Massachusetts (continued) and New Hampshire Claimants,' in 1 vol.

'Examinations in Nova Scotia, &c.; Memorials, Schedules of Losses, and Evidences; New Jersey Claimants,' in 2 vols. Each volume has a full index of claimants.

The Claims Commission opened in October, 1784, and classified the different claimants under the following heads. Those who:

      (1) Rendered service to Great Britain.
      (2) Had borne arms against the Revolution.
      (3) Were uniform Loyalists.
      (4) Loyalists resident in Great Britain.
      (5) Who took oaths of allegiance to United States, but afterwards joined the British.
      (6) Those who left the Americans to join the British Army and Navy.

In B. 60, of the Haldimand collection there are two letters, one from Sir F. Haldimand, and the other from a gentleman lately at Quebec, complaining of the short time given (to 25th March, 1784,) in which to send in the claims.


An important source of information upon the history of the U. E, Loyalists and their settlements is the series of documents called the Haldimand Collection, being the correspondence of General Sir Frederick Haldimand, and other documents.

As this collection is a very large one, it will not be possible to make a complete table of all references to the Loyalists. There are, however certain volumes in this series which have a special bearing 011 the U. E. Loyalists.

(1) B. 158. The Haldimand Papers, being a series of letters from Officers from the Royal Regiment of New York, 1776-1783. This volume contains (p. 208):—

      (1) A roll of Non-Commissioned Officers, Drummers and Privates of 1st Battalion, the King's Royal Regiment, New York, from formation to date. (Point Clair, 17th May, 1781.)

      (2) Return of casuals of King's Royal Regiment of New York, from foundation to date. (Point Clair, 17th May, 1781.)

      (3) Roll of men enlisted for 2nd Battalion, King's Royal Regiment, New York. (Point Clair, 17th May, 1781.)

      (4) List of men raised for King's Royal Regiment of New York to 1783. 500 names. Signed, Robert Leake, Captain.

      (5) A petition of sundry soldiers, King's Royal Regiment of New York, to Sir John Johnson, 24 persons.

      (6) A list of prisoners with the rebels, from the Royal Regiment of New York (2nd Batt.).

(2) B. 159 contains letters to the Officers of the King's Royal Regiment of New York, 1779-1783.

(3) B. 160 contains correspondence with Col. Rogers and Major Rogers, 1779-1784; also list of officers and men of Major Rogers' company of King's Rangers, with number of their families, 27th January, 1784, and other companies of Rogers' Rangers.

(4) B. 161 contains letters from Officers of the Loyalists, 1776-1782 (vol. 1); also a return of Officers and Men of Major Ebenezer Jessup's corps of King's Royal Americans under Burgoyne in 1777, and are now in Canada. Signed (a long list), Eb. Jessup (1780).

(5) B. 162 contains letters from Officers of the Loyalists, 1777-1785 (vol. 2) ; also:

      (1) Return of all Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates at the Two Block Houses on the River Yamaska. Sgnd. Win. Fraser, Capt.

      (2) List of Capt. J. Robins' Company King's Loyal Americans (Col. Jessup).
      (3) List of 68 men in Col. Jessup's Corps claimed by him from Loyalists commanded by Major McAlpine.

(6) B. 163 contains letters to Officers of Loyalists, 1779-1783.

(7) B. 164 contains correspondence with Conrad Gugy relating to the Loyalists, 1778-1784.

(8) B. 165 contains correspondence with Col. Cuyler and others, 1781-1784. There is a list of Royalists who are entitled to Home rent and fire wood, Montreal, 1st January, 1782.

(9) B. 166. This is an important volume. It contains returns and accounts relating to the Loyalists:—

      (1) List of Loyalists and their families at Machiche, 2nd December, 1778.

      (2) Subsistence return for Loyalists attached to the King's Royal Regiment, New Pork, commanded by Lt.-Col. John Johnston, Bart.

      (3) An effective list of all Loyalists in Canada receiving provisions. 7 pages. Lower Canada 853 persons dated Sorel, July 1, 1779. Dan'l. McAlpin, captain.

      (4) Monthly Return of the Corps of Loyalists commanded by Captain McAlpin, of the 60th Regiment as they are incorporated. Sorel, July 1, 1779.

      (5) Return of Loyalists receiving provisions (not paying for same). District of Montreal, 5th July to 24th August, 1779. 13 pages, 981 souls.

      (6) Return of Loyalists who received provisions without payment at following places, from 25th September to 24th October, 1779.

  St. John's
Beauce and Quebec

      (7) State of the Loyalists that received pay. Commanded by Captain D. McAlpin. Quebec, 1st November, 1779.

      (8) Return of families of Loyalists receiving provisions. District of Montreal. 25th October to 24th November, 1780. 12 pages, 1,368 souls.

      (9) General return of incorporated Loyalists receiving provisions gratis from Government, from 28th March to 24th April, 1781. 12 pages, 1,394 souls.

      (10) A list of such of His Majesty's Loyal subjects as retired for protection to this province, who for their sufferings, losses and services to Government have been recommended to received the sums opposite their names, as temporary relief, 24 pages. Montreal, 11th May, 1781.

      (11) 1. Return of families drawing provisions at St. Johns. 24th June to 25th July, 1781.
              2. Return of families drawing provisions at Chambly.

      (12) Return of women and children drawing provisions, St. Johns. 30th July, 1781. 1 page.

      (13) Return of Loyalists drawing provisions at Isle Aux Noix. 31st July, 1781.

      (14) Return of Loyalists to be struck off provision list, from 1st August, 1781. 4 pages, 41 men, 82 women.

      (15) General return of incorporated Royalists and families receiving provisions gratis from 25th August to 24th September, 1781. 13 pages, 1,449 persons.

      (16) Return of Unincorporated Loyalists receiving provisions gratis, from 25th December, 1781 to 24th January, 1782. 14 pages, 1,669 names.

      (17) Return of Loyalists entitled to house rent and fire wood from 1st January, 1781. 1 page.

      (18) Return of distressed unincorporated Loyalists victualled by Government bounty, in Province of Quebec, by H. E. the Commander in Chief's orders. 24th March, 1783. 17 pages, 1,716 persons.

      (19) Return of distressed unincorporated Loyalists victualled by Government bounty. Province of Quebec, by H. E. the Commander in Chief's orders. 24th July, 1783. 15 pages, 1,678 persons.

      (20) Return of Unincorporated Refugee Loyalists in Province of Quebec, exclusive of those at Upper Posts. 2 pages, 3,204 persons.

      (21) Acknowledgement of receipt of clothing from Lieutenant French by Loyalist family, lately arrived from New York, according to allowance of His Excellency, the Commander in Chief. Sorel, 19th November, 1783. 2 pages of names).

      (22) Similar list acknowledging clothing at Machiche, 1st December, 1783. 2 pages of names.

      (23) Similar list acknowledging clothing, 7th December, 1783, Sorel. 3 paged of names.

      (24) Receipt for clothing. St. Johns, 7th February, 1784. 2 pages of names.

      (25) Return of provisions in different Magazines in Canada as delivered, Wm. Craigie, 24th September, 1784.

      (26) List of people applying for settlement on Crown Lands. 6 pages. 1779-1784.

      (27) Provision estimated Loyalists Upper Posts to July, 1785.

      (28) Return of Loyalists receiving clothing after A. Cuyler's inspection December, 1782.

      (29) Officers Major Jessup's Corps for Loyalist Corps.

      (30) Remarks upon Loyalists, describing their condition, character, &c., with list.

      (31) List of Gentlemen on subsistence list.

      (32) Officers names, characters and pretensions in the several Corps of Loyalists in the Province of Quebec.

      (33) Several returns of Refugee Loyalists in the Province of Quebec not at Upper Posts. 25 pages 426 names.

      (34) Return of 1st Batt. King's Royal Regiment, New York. 13 pages, 958 names.

      (35) Return of Royal Rangers Company of Pensioners. 16 pages, 603 names.

10. B. 167 contains Muster Rolls accounts, &c., relating to the Corps of Royal Americans, 1776-1783.

(1) Muster Roll of Capt. Edward Jessup's Company of Royal Americans from Province of N. Y. (1 page) Point Clair, 24th January, 1777.

(2) Muster Roll Capt. Jonathan Jones' Co. Royal American, Province of from Province of N.Y. (1 page) Point Clair, 24th January, 1777.

(3) Muster Roll Capt. Ebenezer Jessup's Co. Royal Americans, Province of New York. Point Clair, 24th January, 1777.

(4) Pay-Roll Capt. Hugh Munro's Co. King's Loyal Americans, 13th July to 8th August, 1777.

(5) Muster Roll Capt. Sam. Adams' Co. raised by order of Gen. Burgoyne, for Rangers, 9th August, 1777.

(6) Number and names of men who joined Lt.-Col. John Peters, under Burgoyne and not included in provision or pay abstract. 3 pages, double columns.

(7) Monthly returns King's Royal Americans, commanded by Col. Ebenezer Jessup, 7th August to 7th October, 1777.

(8) List of Loyalists in Major McAlpin's Corps paid by Ensign Donald Eraser, Saratoga, 14th October, 1777.

(9) Forrage Money wanted for Queen's Loyal Rangers, Col. J. Peters, 12th May to 24th October, 1777. Under a general order (26th August, 1777) that the Loyalists shall receive safe(sic) [same] pay as the King's troops. 1 page.

(10) Royal Volunteers, late Capt. Mackay's Corps, 1st August to 24th October, 1777, names and remarks.

(11) Subsistence account, Capt. Leake's Corps, 3rd September to 24th October, 1777.

(12) Subsistence list, Queen's Royal Rangers, Col. Peters under Burgoyne, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(13) Subsistence list. The King's Loyal Americans. Col. Ebenezer Jessup under Burgoyne, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(14) Roll of His Majesty's King's Royal Americans. Col. Ebenezer Jessup, 25th June to 24th October, 1777. (His own company.)

(15) Subsistence list. King's Royal Americans. Col. Eb. Jessup under Burgoyne, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(16) Subsistence list. Queen's Royal Rangers. Col. J. Peters, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(17) Pay Roll, Capt. Wehr's Co. King's Royal Americans, 27th August to 24th October, 1777.

(18) Pay Roll, Capt. Jos. Jessup's Co. King's Loyal Americans, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(19) Pay Roll, Capt. Jonathan Jones' Co. King's Loyal Americans, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(20) Pay Roll, Col. Eb. Jessup's own Co. King's Loyal Americans, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(21) Roll, King's Loyal Americans, Col. Eb. Jessup, 21st August to 24th October, 1777. Capt James Robins Company.

(22) Roll, Capt. Wehr's Co. K. L. Americans, 27th August to 24th October, 1777.

(23) Roll, Capt. Jos. Jessup's Co. K. L. Americans, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(24) Roll, Capt. Jonathan Jones' Co. K. L. Americans, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(25) Roll, Capt. H. Munro's Co. K. L. Americans, 13th July to 8th August, 1777.

(26) Roll, Major Edward Jessup's Company K. L. Americans, 25th June to 24th October, 1777.

(27) Pay Roll, Capt. James Robin's Co. K. L. Americans, 21st August to 24th October, 1777.

(28) Roll, Capt. H. Munro's Co. in Batteau Service.

(29) List of Officers of Loyal Rangers mentioning place of birth, former situation and time of service.

(30) Return of Officers and men under Capt. McAlpin, who served in Burgoyne Campaign. Now in Canada.

(31) Subsistence list, Loyal Volunteers (late Capt. Mackay in Burgoyne Campaign, 1777.

(32) List of men's names — returned in pay bill as serving under Burgoyne, 1777.

(33) Muster Rolls. King's Loyal Americans. Colonel Eb. Jessup, 7th June, 1777.

(34) Muster Rolls, King's Loyal Americans. Colonel Eb. Jessup, Muster Rolls, 1777.

(35) Muster Roll, H.M. American Volunteers, Captain McAlpin, 1st August, 1777.

(36) Muster Roll, Queen's Royal Rangers, Colonel Peters, 26th October, 1776 and 24th June, 1777.

(37) Names of men in Corps of Volunteers raised by the late Colonel Francis Pluiter of Hossack. Now commanded by Captain Samuel McKay, Chateauguay, 14th April, 1778.

(38) Pay Roll. Major Edward Jessup's Co., K. L. Americans, 25th June to 24th October, 1778.

(39) Return of Captain Adam's Corps of Loyalists. Machiche, 6th March, 1780.

(40) List of Queen's Loyal Rangers, Lieut. Colonel Peters. Now in Canada, 9th March, 1778.

(41) List of King's Loyal Americans now in Canada, 6th April, 1780.

(42) List of men's names under Captain H. Munro, in Jessup's Corps, with bounty received, February 8, 1781.

(43) List of men claimed by different Corps of Loyalists, their cases determined by a board of officers at Fort St. John, February, 1781.

(44) Several Lists of Loyalists having pensions as delivered by Major Nairne, Fort St. John, 1st March, 1781.

(45) List of men to whom money is due from late Major McAlpin to 24th June, 1780.

(46) Effective Roll of Corps of Royalists commanded by Ebenezer Jessup, Esq., Major McAlpin, Colonel Peters and Captain Leake, 1st May, 1781.

(47) List of Officers of different Corps of Loyalists in Canada with time they joined the King's Service, rank held, Corps, with remarks, for 15th May, 1781.

(48) Lists of Loyalists not attached to any Corps, not having families received provisions.

(49) List of Loyalists not attached to any Corps who stay with their families and received provisions.

(50) Return of men, with broken fines unpaid to them:—

      Colonel Peters Corps, 24th December, 1781.
      Colonel Jessup's Corps, 24th December, 1781.
      Captain Meyer's Co., 24th December, 1781.

(51) Return of a detachment of King's Rangers commanded by Major James Rogers in Canada, St. John, 10th January, 1782.

(52) Return of distressed families of Loyalists, Montreal, 26th April, 1782 (in great need of clothing).

(53) Return of men (Colonel Jessup's Corps) from imprisonment, St. John.

(54) Return of men (Colonel Peter's Corps) from imprisonment.

(55) Return of Refugee Loyalist family, Sorel, 25th December, 1783.

(56) Return of unincorporated Loyalists victualled in Province of Quebec, by order of H.E. General Haldimand, 24th January, 1784, 1,022 names.

(57) Return of Loyalists inspected at Lachine by Stephen Delaney, [de Lancey ?] 16th February, 1784.

(58) Return of Officers at Indian Department, Niagara, 26th April, 1785.

(59) Subsistence List, Corps of Loyal Volunteers Mackays now Leakes, 24th October, 1777.

(60) A list of those who wish to go to the East of Missisquoi Bay, 301 heads of families.

(61) Return of Officers of Jessup's Loyal Rangers.

(62)       "             "             Butlers Rangers.

(63)       "             "             1st Batt., K. R. Regiment, N.Y.

(64)       "             "             2nd Batt., K. R. Regiment, N.Y.

(65) Return of Officers of Indian Department. Received for half pay.

(66) Officers of Indian Department Commanded by the Superintendent Sir J.

B. 168 contains returns of Loyalists desiring to settle in Canada, 1784.

(1) Return of incorporated Loyalists desirous of settling in Canada. Sorel, 2nd February, 1784. 610 names.

(2) Return of Loyalists and discharged soldiers, embarked for Chaleurs Bay, Quebec, 9th June, 1784. 403 persons.

(3) A list of those who desire to settle and cultivate the Crown Lands opposite Niagara, July 20, 1784.

(4) General abstract of men, women and children settled on the new Town ships on the River St. Lawrence, commencing at Lake St. Francis and running upwards (no names); number of persons, 3,776.

(5 List of Loyalists (already mentioned in Nova Scotia papers).

(6) Return of disbanded troops and Loyalists settled at Sorel, 12th September, 1784, 316 names.

(7) Return of Refugees and disbanded troops at Chambly, 15th September, 1784.

(8) Return of Refugees and disbanded troops at St. John, 15th September, 1784.

(9) Return of Refugee Loyalists and disbanded troops at Montreal, 17th September, 1784.

(10) Return of Refugee Loyalists and disbanded troops at Lachine, 19th September 1, 1784.

(11) List of people applying to settle on Crown Lands.

(12) Return of disbanded troops and Loyalists settled in Township No. 3, 25th September, 1786.

(13) Return of disbanded troops and Loyalists settled in Township No. 5, Bay of Quinte, 4th October, 1784.

(14) Return of disbanded troops (German troops), settled in Township No. 5, Bay of Quinte, 4th October, 1784.

(15) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 4, Cataraqui, 5th October, 1784.

(16) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 3, Caraqui, 6th October, 1784.

(17) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 2, Cataraqui, 7th October, 1784.

(18) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 1, Cataraqui, 9th October, 1784.

(19) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 8, Cataraqui, 12th October, 1784.

(20) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 7, Cataraqui, 12th October, 1784.

(21) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 5, Cataraqui, 13th October, 1784.

(22) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 6, Cataraqui, 13th October, 1784.

(23) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 4, Cataraqui, 14th October, 1784.

(24) Return of disbanded troops settled in Township No. 4, Cataraqui, 16th October, 1784.

(25) .Return of disbanded troops settled at Point Mullie, 9th October, 1784.

(26) Return of disbanded troops settled on the King's land in the Province of Quebec (no names) 5,628 persons, during 1784.

(27) Return of disbanded troops and Loyalists settled in Township No. 2

(28) Abstract from disbanded troops and Loyalists in the several quarters and settlements. Total, 5,401 persons.

B. 169 contains surveys, &c., relative to the settlements of the Loyalists, 1782-84.
