Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Pioneers, Ploughs, and Politics: New Brunswick Planned Settlements

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Edward George Geoffrey Stanley, Fourteenth Earl of Derby. – 1 lithograph ; published in Canadian Illustrated News, 20 November 1869. Artist and lithographer unknown. A British statesman, Lord Stanley (1799-1869) first entered government in 1827. During his lengthy career, he held several administrative posts, undersecretary for the colonies (1827-1828), chief secretary for Ireland (1830-1833), and colonial secretary (1833-1834). He resigned the latter post in 1834 amid controversy over the finances of the Church of Ireland. Stanley later served as Sir Robert Peel’s colonial secretary (1841-1845) and as prime minister (1852, 1858-1859, and 1866-1868). The village of Stanley, New Brunswick, was named in his honour. Canadian Illustrated News, Vol. I, No. 3, Page 36. Reproduced from Library and Archives Canada’s website Images in the News: Canadian Illustrated News.

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