Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Pioneers, Ploughs, and Politics: New Brunswick Planned Settlements

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Hon. William McDougall, C.B. – 1 lithograph ; published in Canadian Illustrated News, 27 November 1869. Artist, William Notman (1826-1891). Lithographer unknown. Lawyer, journalist, politician, and office holder, William McDougall (1822-1905) first entered government in 1858, winning a seat as a Reformer for Oxford North in the Legislative Assembly of the province of Canada. During his political and public career, he held a number of other posts, including commissioner of crown lands, provincial secretary for Upper Canada, minister of public works in the Dominion cabinet, and lieutenant-governor of the Northwest Territories. In 1873 he travelled to Britain and Europe on behalf of the Dominion government as a commissioner for fisheries and immigration. Canadian Illustrated News, Vol. I, No. 4, Page 49. Reproduced from Library and Archives Canada’s website Images in the News: Canadian Illustrated News.

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