Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Pioneers, Ploughs, and Politics: New Brunswick Planned Settlements

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Copy of a letter from Father J.-A. Allard, East-Bathurst, to the Hon. A. A. Dysart, premier. – 12 August 1935. – 1 p. of textual records. Allard is incensed that Dysart’s recently-elected Liberal government has passed a regulation that restricts the colonists’ ability to earn income from their land in favour of rich lumbermen. He says that the new regulation “is the death blow to Colonization” and that applicants are now discouraged and will probably keep away from green farms. Allard forcefully states that “If the Government has no money to help the settlers at least persecution should be avoided”. MC290-203-31a Fonds des archives diocésaines de Bathurst, correspondence colonization, jan.-août., 1935, PANB.

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