Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Pioneers, Ploughs, and Politics: New Brunswick Planned Settlements

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“The Church is Built” an excerpt from That the past may live, tales of my childhood and youth: for my grandchildren / by M. V. Johnston : [1939]. – transcribed August 2005. – 2 pp. of textual records. The author, Martha (Gilmore) Johnston, was born in York County, New Brunswick about 1863. Here she discusses the planning and building of the Methodist church on the Glen Road, at the crossroads, Stanley, New Brunswick. She points out that the whole community, including members of Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, were involved in the construction. Johnston also notes fundraising efforts that made the project a success. MC45 That the past may live, tales of my childhood and youth : for my grandchildren / by M. V. Johnston : [1939], pp. 71-72, PANB.

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