Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Pioneers, Ploughs, and Politics: New Brunswick Planned Settlements

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Petition of sundry English emigrants settled at Stanley on the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Land Company’s [sic] possession… – January 1838. – 8 pp. of textual records. This document, which was referred to the same committee that investigated the Scotch settlers’ petition, was presented to the House of Assembly by L. A. Wilmot, a member for York County, on 20 January 1838. Title continues: setting forth the gross misconduct of the said company and praying relief. RS24-1838-pe-4-189, Legislative Assembly session records, PANB. See also: The committee’s report, signed by James Brown, Jr., William Crane, L. A. Wilmot, which was delivered to the Clerk of the House on 21 February 1838. RS24-1838-re-1-1, Legislative Assembly session records, PANB.

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