Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Pioneers, Ploughs, and Politics: New Brunswick Planned Settlements

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Report on petition from Scotch emigrants settled on New Brunswick Land Company [sic] property at Stanley. – 21 February 1838. – 5 pp. of textual records. The report, signed by committee members James Brown, Jr., William Crane, and L.A. Wilmot, was delivered to the clerk of the House of Assembly on 21 February 1838. Here the committee sympathizes with the Scotch settlers, headed by James McKinnon and John Ferguson, recommending that “a sum of money be placed at the disposal” of the lieutenant-governor “to be applied to the immediate relief of such of the said distressed Emigrants as cannot by any other means be relieved to be expended by a Commissioner or Commissioners to be appointed for that purpose”. RS24-1838-re-1-1, Legislative Assembly session records, PANB.

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