Name Index

Due to the varying literacy levels of those recording the information contained in the Almshouse records, and the language and accent barriers between residents and record keepers, inconsistencies in spelling frequently appear in the Almshouse records. Inconsistencies also exist in the way in which individuals appear in the records over the course time. For example an inmate recorded on first admission as “Mary Ann Murphy” might appear in subsequent references as “Mary Murphy”, “May Murphy”, “Mamie Murphy” or even “Ann” or “Annie Murphy”. Repetitions also exist due to re-admission of individuals, individuals who were “transferred” in the record book at the end of a year (they remained in the Almshouse), or individuals who were recorded in more than one of the institutions encompassed by the database.

Within the original records the surname and given name were recorded in one field, in the following format: “Firstname Lastname.” This field has been divided into two fields, Surname and Given Names to improve the functionality of the database for users.

Surname Typically records individual’s last name. However, “unknown” may appear. No attempt has been made to correct discrepancies in the original caused by human error or illegible and phonetic spelling.

Given names Typically records individual’s first name. However, “unknown” may appear. No attempt has been made to correct discrepancies in the original caused by human error or illegible and phonetic spelling.

Titles and descriptors Mr, Mrs, Jr, Widow, etc, have been entered within the Given Names field within brackets. Example: McDevitt, Martha (Mrs). In cases where a title is provided but a Given Name is not the title takes its place. (Example: McDevitt, Mrs.)

For information specific to the records, the fields involved, and the methods undertaken to present them be sure to read the resources available under “About the records.”

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118 records found for T

Taaffe Terple Timpeny Tory Tresz
Taber Theal Tims Tourice Triggs
Tabor Thehey Tinen Tovey Trott
Tade Thistle Tinson Townsend Trotter
Taffe Thomas Tipney Toy Troy
Tage Thompson Tithe Tracey Tucker
Tague Thomson Titloe Tracy Tully
Tait Thoper Tivnan Trahce Tummey
Talent Thorne Tivnen Trahee Tumony
Talvey Thornley Tobin Trainor Tunney
Tangum Thornly Tocher Travis Tunny
Tannahill Thornton Todd Trayner Tupleson
Tannihill Thorp Tomany Traynor Turdum
Tanynn Thorpe Tomey Treacey Turner
Tape Thursby Tommany Treadwell Tustin
Targuay Tibbits Tonary Treadwill Tutloe
Tarkay Tid Toner Trecarten Tweed
Tarquay Tidd Toney Trecartin Twigg
Tasey Tierney Tonor Treddle Twohey
Tate Tierny Tool Tredwell Tye
Tay Tilley Toole Trefz Tynen
Taylor Tillop Toomey Tregathen Tyner
Tearse Timms Tork Tregorthen Tynn
Tenna Timony Torry