Our Featured Themes

23 April 2024  

Le travail en Acadie

The themes of working experience and union activity have been neglected in studies of Acadian history. We aim to increase the understanding of the economic contributions and working lives of Acadians through attention to issues of community survival, regional depopulation and access to employment.

Our features on this theme include the following:

  • Acadian Women Activists and the Labour Market: Part of this project in progress can be examined in the article by Nicole Lang, “Les Acadiennes et le marché du travail : les revendications et les stratégies des militantes (1968-1991)”, Acadiensis, XLV, no. 2 (été/automne 2016), p. 100-117. [ more ]
  • Acadian Emigration to the United States: Part of this project in progress can be examined on our Modules pédagogiques section entitled “Défis du dépeuplement”. [ more ]
  • Crisis in the Forest Industries: Part of this project in progress can be examined on our Modules pédagogiques section entitled “La crise dans l'industrie forestière”. [ more ]