Records With Access Point "Logging"

3 results found (2 digitized image(s) available).

Log Booming  
Item - 1880-1900

Another view of the tombstone of Perter Emberley  
Item - 1968

This is the same tombstone seen in P17-67. The tombstone is in the Catholic cemetery in Boiestown NB. This recent tombstone marks the site of the grave of Peter Emberley who became a legend after his death in the lumber woods in 1880 at the age of 17 years. The folksong “Peter Emberley”, written by John Calhoun of Boiestown, has become a popular Miramichi folksong.

Danny Johnson collection  
Fonds - [ca. 1895]-[ca. 1966]

Because of his childhood in Perth-Andover, his work for various institutions in Victoria County and books, projects, and essays about the area and its history, it is highly possible that Danny Johnson (Daniel F. Johnson 1953-2005) bought or collected these photographs, and then donated them to PANB in the early years of the archives.