Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Dictionary of Miramichi Biography

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GREEN, BUNN (1885-1973)

GREEN, BUNN, mayor of Newcastle, 1949-51; b. Kenney, Ill., 25 Jan 1885, s/o Levi Green and Sarah Davenport; m. Lucy LaPointe, of Jacquet River, N.B.; d. Newcastle, 20 Feb 1973.

Bunn Green came to Newcastle around 1920 as an employee of the railway and continued to make his home there after retirement. He served a number of terms on the Newcastle Town Council and was mayor for two years. He was a member of the Masonic order and a curler. His wife, Lucy LaPointe, predeceased him by three years. He was survived in 1973 by a son and four daughters.


[b] Leader 27 Jan 1972 [d] Leader 22 Feb 1973, 26 Jun 1974
