Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Dictionary of Miramichi Biography

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MACINTOSH, DONALD, Presbyterian minister, Douglastown, 1896-1905; b. Scotland; married; living in 1905.

Donald Macintosh (or Mackintosh) was ordained in 1888, but nothing else is known about his ministerial career prior to his appearance on the Miramichi early in 1896. He was the first ordained minister to be located at Douglastown after the departure of the Rev. Edward Roberts in December 1890, although Robert Watson, a popular catechist, had served the congregation for two years or more in the early 1890s. Macintosh preached on a supply basis from 1896 to February 1898, at which time he was inducted into the charge. He also preached in St James Church at Nelson.

Macintosh was especially effective in his ministrations to the sick, and when it appeared in 1904 that he might resign, the congregation boosted his salary. He revealed in 1905, however, that he had decided to return to Scotland in the interests of his health, and he and his wife took their leave in May of that year. During his nine-year residency, almost nothing concerning his personal history appeared in print except the fact that he was born "within a few miles of the native place of Robbie Burns" and was himself a writer and student of literature.


Advocate 16 Feb 1898, 8 Oct 1902, 6 Jan 1904, 18 May 1904, 10 May 1905; McLeod; Presb. Witness 30 May 1896; Walkington; World 10 May 1905
