Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Dictionary of Miramichi Biography

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CUSHMAN, JANE (BENN) (1809-1892)

CUSHMAN, JANE (BENN), churchwoman; b. Ireland, c1809; m. 1833, Isaac Cushman, a native of Waldoboro, Me; d. Upper Nelson, 25 Mar 1892.

Jane (Benn) Cushman, who joined the Methodist church in Ireland before emigrating in 1827 with other members of the Benn family, was a favorite of the ministers of the Miramichi circuit (1830-75), to whom she opened her home and extended her family's hospitality. She was also a collector of Methodist memorabilia, being in possession, at the time of her death, of items dating back to the beginnings of Methodism on the Miramichi. She and her husband raised a son and two daughters in Nelson parish.


[m] official records [d] Advocate 6 Apr 1892 / Advocate 14 Apr 1875
