Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Wallace Hale - Dossiers successoraux anciens du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1785-1835

Introduction Introduction | Index Nominatif Index Nominatif | Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves | Femmes Femmes | Types de navires Types de navires | Comtés Comtés
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Y avait-il un testament? Oui
Date du testament1820-07-24
Date à laquelle le testament a été attesté1830-06-12
Un inventaire a-t-il été dressé? Non
ComtéSaint John
ParoisseCity of Saint John
S'agit-il du dossier sucessoral d'une femme? Non
Le résumé fait-il référence à un navire? Non
Résumé City of Saint John, St. John County, Blacksmith. Will dated 24 July 1820, proved 12 June 1830. Property on Sand Point with my blacksmith tools to be sold to pay my lawful debts. Income from residue of estate to support my children while they are under age. When children come of age, remaining estate to be divided among them, except household furniture to be divided among daughters Henrietta, Issabella and Sophia. Children that have not had their dividend of their brother George's estate that was lodged in my hand may have their share before the estate is divided. John WIGHTMAN, Henry HELMS and daughter Henrietta executors. Witnesses: John HOWE, Henry HELMS, John WIGHTMAN. Will bears a notation that "Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth and Henrietta have had their Dividend of their Brothers Estate which was left in my hands, which amounted to four Pounds ten shillings apiece Currency."
Numéro SD71
