Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Wallace Hale - Dossiers successoraux anciens du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1785-1835

Introduction Introduction | Index Nominatif Index Nominatif | Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves | Femmes Femmes | Types de navires Types de navires | Comtés Comtés
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Y avait-il un testament? Oui
Date du testament1828-06-11
Date à laquelle le testament a été attesté1828-07-01
Un inventaire a-t-il été dressé? Non
S'agit-il du dossier sucessoral d'une femme? Non
Le résumé fait-il référence à un navire? Non
Résumé Parish of Westmorland, Westmorland County, Esquire. Will dated 11 June 1828, proved 1 July 1828. Wife Catherine one half of all real and personal estate. Son William Dixon KNAPP the other half of my real and personal estate, subject to the following legacies: grand-daughter Catharine Ezabella, grandsons Titus William, Charles Edward and William Dixon each £1,000; and to a son of Eliza CRAFT of the State of New York, which my said son William Dixon is the reputed Father, £1,000. Wife Catherine and son William Dixon KNAPP executors. Witnesses: Samuel GAY, Eliza R. GAY, Sarah ROBINSON. Harman TRUEMAN Esq., Sylvanus MINER and George WELLS directed to appraise the estate. Sole executorship granted to Catharine KNAPP, the other executor, William D. KNAPP, having renounced on 28 June 1828. While statements of assets are incomplete, real estate in New Brunswick was appraised at £861 and real estate in Nova Scotia was appraised at £521. Personal estate in both Provinces, including notes, bonds and book debts, amounted to more than £10,000. File contains a document executed on 1 February 1844 by Daniel BROWN of Truro, Colchester County, Nova Scotia, stating that Titus KNAPP died on 13 June 1828 and his widow Catharine died testate on 11 March 1841 and that Catharine Isabella KNAPP, grand-daughter of Titus KNAPP, married Daniel BROWN on 4 July 1839 and on 11 August 1842 was of the full age of Twenty one years.
Numéro SD74
