Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Kings County Record Newspaper : Death Index, 1897-1936 (MC3952 : John Fynn Collection)

Introduction Introduction| Language Language| Help Help| Name Index Name Index
Contains all the records grouped by family or maiden name to facilitate searching.
11,263 records available in this database
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
info 91 name(s) found containing 667 record(s).
Names are in alphabetical order from left to right.
Enter part of a name to filter the list
FAGEN [1 record] FAIR [1 record] FAIRWEATHER [51 records] FANJOY [8 records]
FANNING [1 record] FARMER [4 records] FARRELL [1 record] FARREN [1 record]
FARRER [1 record] FARRIS [4 records] FAULKNER [8 records] FAWCETT [10 records]
FAYETTE [2 records] FEENEY [5 records] FENNEL [1 record] FENNELL [10 records]
FENTON [3 records] FENWICK [34 records] FERGUSON [12 records] FERMELL [1 record]
FERRIS [5 records] FEWER [1 record] FEYETTE [1 record] FIELD [2 records]
FIELDING [1 record] FIERZ-SCHWEITER [1 record] FILLMORE [3 records] FILMORE [1 record]
FINLEY [2 records] FINN [2 records] FINNEGAN [1 record] FINNEY [1 record]
FINNIS [6 records] FINNISS [1 record] FINTON [1 record] FISHER [2 records]
FITCH [4 records] FITCHETT [1 record] FITZGERALD [3 records] FLAGLER [1 record]
FLAHERTY [1 record] FLANAGAN [2 records] FLANDERS [1 record] FLEMING [9 records]
FLEMMING [4 records] FLETCHER [10 records] FLEWELLING [30 records] FLEWWELLING [20 records]
FLOOD [2 records] FLOWER [2 records] FLOWERS [1 record] FLOYD [20 records]
FOLEY [13 records] FOLKINS [58 records] FOOHERY [1 record] FOOHEY [1 record]
FORAN [2 records] FORBES [1 record] FORDEN [1 record] FORESTALL [2 records]
FORESTELL [2 records] FORGRAVE [3 records] FORGRAVES [1 record] FORMAN [1 record]
FORRESTER [1 record] FORSHAY [1 record] FORSYTH [1 record] FORSYTHE [9 records]
FOSHAY [3 records] FOSTER [31 records] FOWLER [62 records] FOWNES [8 records]
FOX [1 record] FRAMPTON [1 record] FRANCIS [7 records] FRASER [14 records]
FRAZEE [15 records] FRAZER [1 record] FREEMAN [2 records] FREEZE [44 records]
FRENCH [4 records] FRIARS [43 records] FRIER [2 records] FRITH [1 record]
FROST [17 records] FUELLI [1 record] FULLERTON [6 records] FULMORE [1 record]
FULTON [1 record] FUNNELL [1 record] FURLONG [2 records]
