Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Kings County Record Newspaper : Death Index, 1897-1936 (MC3952 : John Fynn Collection)

Introduction Introduction| Language Language| Help Help| Name Index Name Index
Contains all the records grouped by family or maiden name to facilitate searching.
11,263 records available in this database
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
info 53 name(s) found containing 211 record(s).
Names are in alphabetical order from left to right.
Enter part of a name to filter the list
O' NEILL [1 record] O'BLEANIS [1 record] O'BLENIS [2 records] O'BOYLE [1 record]
O'BRIEN [14 records] O'CONNELL [5 records] O'CONNER [1 record] O'CONNOR [13 records]
O'DELL [14 records] O'DONALD [1 record] O'DONNEL [2 records] O'DONNELL [13 records]
O'HARA [1 record] O'HEARN [1 record] O'KEEFE [1 record] O'LEARY [6 records]
O'NEAL [1 record] O'NEIL [5 records] O'NEILL [14 records] O'REAGAN [4 records]
O'REGAN [20 records] O'RILEY [1 record] O'SHAUGHNESSEY [1 record] O'SHAUGHNESSY [1 record]
O'SHEA [1 record] OATES [1 record] OATS [2 records] OGDEN [7 records]
OGILVIE [5 records] OLDENBURG [1 record] OLDFIELD [7 records] OLIVE [1 record]
OLIVER [1 record] OLSTEN [3 records] OMAN [1 record] OMELIA [1 record]
ORCHARD [3 records] ORMAN [1 record] ORR [15 records] OSBORNE [10 records]
OSBOURN [1 record] OSBOURNE [3 records] OSBURNE [1 record] OSGOOD [1 record]
OSGOODE [1 record] OSMAN [1 record] OTIS [3 records] OTTY [8 records]
OULTON [1 record] OUTHOUSE [1 record] OUTON [1 record] OWEN [1 record]
OWENS [4 records]
