Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Daniel F Johnson's New Brunswick Newspaper Vital Statistics

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Number 960

Date November 17 1894
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Sun

info The language of the text is the original used in the newspaper entry and as transcribed by Daniel F. Johnson. Records acquired by the Provincial Archives are not translated from the language in which they originate.

Buctouche (Kent Co.) Nov. 15 - Despite the rain last night about 25 of the leading citizens assembled at the Bay View Hotel to honor Engineer Clifford WHITE. "Learning with deep regret that you have been dismissed as engineer of the Buctouche and Moncton Railway, after having been suspended for one month, and also learning that you intended leaving Buctouche and seeking a livelihood elsewhere, we could not let the occasion pass without taking this opportunity of expressing our most sincere regret at your departure .." (signed) B.S. SMITH, A.T. COATES, Thos. JOHNSON, W.G. KING, M.D., J. HUTCHINSON, J.P., A. MacKIRN, D.V. LANDRY, M.D., E.J.L. LEBLANC, Richard SUTTON, J.P., Vanant BOURQUE, J.A. BOURQUE, B.H. FOLEY, John O'LEARY, Andrew HANAGAN, J.W. HANAGAN, John GRATTAN, Isaac TRENHOLM, Thos. WARD, A.E. PEARSON, A.S. RICHARD, John C. ROSS, J.D. IRVING, H. HUTCHINSON, H. IRVING, R.M. SUTTON, John P. LEGER, F.A. GIROUARD, J.A. IRVING, R.A. IRVING, A.J. JAILLET, Frank B. SMITH, Capt. Bliss SMITH, Jos. BREAN, Alex. WRY, Harlie SMITH, A. GRATTAN, Wm H. IRVING, A.D. CORMIER, I.W. CARTER, Dr. C.O. LEBLANC, Rev. F.X.J. MICHAUD, M. McLAUGHLIN, Francis MICHAUD, Jas. H. POWELL, Thos. BASTRACHE, Albert McPHADDEN, John COUGHLIN, Jr., Thos. GAMBLE, John C. WALKER, Frank CORMIER, Edward RICHARD, Fred CORMIER, Chas. CARTER, Clovis CHASE, David McINTOSH, J.J. LEBLANC, Jos. DEPLACEY, David KESWICK, John KILEEN, Neil J. ROSS, Peter KING, Maxim CORMIER, Capt. John SMITH, F.X. LEBLANC. (see original for address)
