Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 85 Number 949

Date October 10 1892
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Sun

info The language of the text is the original used in the newspaper entry and as transcribed by Daniel F. Johnson. Records acquired by the Provincial Archives are not translated from the language in which they originate.

Tomorrow, Geo. W. WHITNEY and Miss WHITNEY, his daughter, who has received the appointment of teacher in china decoration in the Victoria Art School, Montreal will set out for the latter city. A native of this city, Mr. Whitney is one of its oldest business men. In 1836 he entered the establishment of John McMILLAN, the grandfather of the present head of J.& A. McMillan. To John McMillan suceeded David McMILLAN and upon his death, James and Alexander McMILLAN formed a partnership. On the death of Alexander McMillan, Mr. Whitney, who had all along remained with the house, became a partner. This was along in the fifties and Mr. Whitney remained a member of the firm from that time until 1888 or thereabouts, when he retired. He has been for 20 years a vestryman of Trinity Church and is a member of St. George's Society. He was for a number of years a member of Victoria division of Sons of Temperance. Some years ago Mr. Whitney met with a severe accident that left him permanently lame. He goed now to Montreal for the winter and perhaps permanently to avoid separation from his only daughter.
