Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 73 Number 1865

Date February 25 1889
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph

info The language of the text is the original used in the newspaper entry and as transcribed by Daniel F. Johnson. Records acquired by the Provincial Archives are not translated from the language in which they originate.

The news of the frightful railroad accident at Boyd's Siding on the Maine Central road, which reached the city Saturday afternoon, filled every one with horror and cast one home here into the depths of grief. The train from Portland for which was in charge of Conductor Chase with driver John A. Angel in the cab, was running along at a speed of about 25 or 30 miles an hour when the accident occurred. About two or three miles on this side of Kingman station is Boyd Siding and on this siding at the time there was standing six cars loaded with pressed hay. As the passenger train in charge of Conductor Chase neared this place it suddenly left the main track and before the brakes could be applied the train crashed into the cars on the siding, derailing the locomotive, baggage, postal and pullman cars. In the wreck there were four men, John CAMPBELL, postal clerk of this city; GOODWIN, the fireman and two postal clerks from Bangor, Me., named respectively MUDGETT and Wm PALMER. The late Mr. Campbell lived on Celebration street, Portland (St. John) and leaves a wife one son and three daughters. Robert CAMPBELL, son of the deceased, had been ill for some time past and only a few days ago was able to resume work with Messrs. T. McAvity & Sons. (see original)
