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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 102 Number 1885

Date October 8 1896
County Charlotte
Place Saint Andrews
Newspaper St. Andrews Beacon

info The language of the text is the original used in the newspaper entry and as transcribed by Daniel F. Johnson. Records acquired by the Provincial Archives are not translated from the language in which they originate.

On Monday, 19 days had elapsed since that fateful day when Michael MacMONAGLE, foundryman of St. Andrews, lost his life in the St. Croix River. His friends had despaired of ever recovering his body, but on Monday night a telegram signed by Gove & Sons of Perry, Me. arrived, containing the information that a body answering the description of the deceased had been washed ashore on the Maine shore of the St. Croix, a short distnace from where the accident occurred. Bright and early Tuesday morn., a number of friends of the late Mr. MacMonagle set sail in a large sloop for Perry, expecting to be able to identify and bring back the body the same day. Among thos who went over were Henry QUINN, George LANGMAID, Wheeler MALLOCK, Thos. ROONEY, Thos. HOWE, Herb. ROSS, Charles JUDGE and Wm Shaw. A 'Beacon' representative accompanied them. On visiting Frost Cove it was discovered that the body had been discovered about 4 o'clock Monday afternoon by a son of James A. ROBSON, who was down on the beach hauling rockweed. He promptly circulated the news of the discovery and willing hands soon lifted the body up to a safe place on the beach. Acting under the advice of the authorities, the body just as it was found was placed upon a waggon and conveyed to Perry, Me., where it was placed in the hearse house under the care of J.F. Gove, one of the select men of the parish. .. The funeral on Wednesday morn. at ten oclock was held under the auspices of the Forester's body. (see original)
