Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 98 Numéro 1567

Date 25 juillet 1895
Comté Albert
Lieu Albert
Journal The Maple Leaf

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Matthias STEEVES was born in Hillsboro (Albert Co.) in the year 1818. He gre up well acquainted with the traditions and early history of the country lying on both sides of the Petitcodiac as well as the lower section which is now Albert Co., which the settlers called Shepody. He was the oldest son of the large family of Aaron STEEVES and Freelove LEWIS. But two of that family survive him, the oldest, Rebecca MOLLINS w/o late Ernest MOLLINS of Elgin, now living in Moncton and the youngest Eusley STEEVES, who resides at Joggins, N.S. As a boy he was used to fishing and canoeing as well as various occupations on the farm. When a young man Mr. Steeves engaged in school teaching being employed in this vocation at Hopewell, Harvey, Coverdale, Dorchester, etc. Frequently has the writer been told that Matthias Steeves was the first man to teach English grammar at Hillsboro. Those were the days when the teacher boarded round from house to house about eight hours a day and made the fires and took care of the school house. In 1847 Mr. Steeves married in Harvey Mary Jane BENNET youngest d/o John BENNET. She died eight years ago. They had eight children, six of whom survive them, two sons and four daughters. The oldest son, G. Sidney STEEVES is a building contrator carrying on business in Newton, Mass. Two daughters also reside in Newton. The other children live in this province. Shortly after being married Mr. Steeves engaged in farming in Hillsboro and afterwards in Rockland, Dorchester, but he soon left this occupation to become a merchant in Harvey. He quit trading in 1871, having lost heavily through the suspension of operations at the Mary's Point Stone Quarry. He was almost constantly employed as bookkeeper, lumber surveyor, magistrate, clerk of the commission of sewers and at the time of his death he held other offices of trust. He became a member of the Baptist Church in Harvey while Rev. John Hughes was pastor of that church.
