Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 66 Numéro 2981

Date 28 janvier 1887
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Telegraph

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Gloucester, Mass., 27th Jan. - Schr. "Carthage" sailed from this port Dec. 1st on a voyage to Georges and since that time nothing has been heard from her. Today her owner gave the vessel up as lost. Her crew was considered one of the finest that ever sailed from this port and was composed as follows: Capt. Andrew NELSON, a native of Sweden, a widower, with two children in this city; Lawrence M. DUNPHY, a native of Guysboro, N.S.; James SHERMAN of Port Mulgrave, N.S., left widow and family here.; John L. KEATING of Canso, single; David KIEFY, native of Ireland, left widow and children in this city; Michael REARDON, Ireland; Daniel McMASTER of Judique, C.B., married; James EARECKSON, Benj. LAWSON of Sweden, single; John PURCELL, Nfld., single; Matthew O'BRIEN, leaves a widow, five children in this city. The vessel was 67 tons burthen, built in Essex in 1877, was owned by George Steele and insured by Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Company for $4,816.
