Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 69 Numéro 863

Date 19 janvier 1887
Comté Northumberland
Lieu Chatham
Journal The World

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Moniteur Acadien - Prudent ROBICHAUD, Esq., Neguac, Miramichi Bay, showed us eight years ago a French cup which was nearly 200 years old. Its served as a drinking cup for wine for Louis Prudent ROBICHAUD, one of the principle men of Port Royal before the expulsion of 1755. Tradition states P..lent ROBICHAUD, grandfather, of Louis Prudent made use of it. In December 1755, Louis Prudent Robichaud was transported with certain members of his family to Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. He carried his cup with him and remained at Cambridge until the war of Independence in 1775. He went then to Quebec with his wife and some of his children where he died in 1781. His wife Jeanne BOURGEOIS surived him many years and also died in the city of Champlain. One of their sons, Otho ROBICHAUD by name, established at Neguac in 1789 and was one of the first settlers of this Acadian village. He was merchant and laborer and made many voyages to Quebec. It was he who carried the cup from Quebec to Neguac, and Prudent Robichaud, grandson of Otho, still preserves it as a precious family relic. A granddaughter of Prudent Louis Robichaud is still living at Negiac, viz. Mrs. ALLAIN widow of Louis ALLAIN and mother of Rev. Joseph ALLAIN of the Christian school at St. Catherine's, Ontario and aunt of Rev. Luke ALLAIN, curate of Meriton, Ontario. Otho Robichaud, father of Mrs. Allain was transported with his father to Cambridge and Mrs. Allain is the only person living who can claim the distinction of being the daughter of one of the proscribed Acadiens of 1755.
