Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 83 Numéro 537

Date 14 juillet 1892
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Sackville
Journal Chignecto Post

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The Dixon Celebration - 120 years have passed since Charles DIXON, one of the first of the Yorkshire emigrants, who were induced to come to Nova Scotia by the influence of Lt. Gov. Franklin, arrived and settled upon this farm with his wife and four children. .. Mr. Dixon as a Justice of the Peace, to which office he was appointed soon after he came to this country, was authorized to perform the marriage ceremony. A number of licences are yet to be found among his papers. A few may be mentioned as follows - David WHEATON and Mary BARKER in 1793; John HARPER and Mary THORNTON in 1791; John DOBSON and Mary FAWCETT in 1794; William LAWRENCE and Sally KING in 1795; Michael GRACE and Ruth COMFORT in 1792; Thomas EASTERBROOKS and Ruth SMITH in 1793; James HICKS and Sarah EASTERBROOKS in 1785; John WRY and Phoebe MAXWELL in 1786; Bedford BOULTENHOUSE and Charlotte HARPER in 1794; Timothy LOCKHART and Elizabeth TEED in 1793. The oldest descendant of Charles Dixon is Nelson BULMER in his 86th year. Mr. Bulmer's father, George BULMER, purchased his property of Nicholas COOKE. a son of one of the original grantees of Sackville. The adjoining property to the northeast was owned by William MAXWELL and was transferred to his son-in-law, John WRY. Next to Wry, Thomas BOWSER settled, and next to him, Robert ATKINSON, who purchased his property from his father-in-law, Amasa KILLAM. These four lots comprise all the land between the Upper and Lower Fairfield roads with the exception of a half lot which was purchased by John RICHARDSON. This block of land now constitutes a valuable and very populous part of Sackville, embracing the Mount Allison institutions. The oldest surviving descendant of Charles Dixon, bearing the name Dixon is William C. DIXON of Maidstone, Essex Co., Ontario, who though in his 79th year is here present. (see original for early history of the family) (see also POST 26 Nov. 1891, Vital Statistics From N.B. Newspapers Vol. 79 entry 2946)
