Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 24 Numéro 2157

Date 3 octobre 1866
Comté York
Lieu Fredericton
Journal The Head Quarters

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

We, the undersigned inhabitants of the City of Fredericton (York Co.) would respectfully request Your Worship (Mayor) to proclaim Friday next, 5th October, as a Public Holiday, in honor of the successful laying of the Atlantic Cable, uniting as it does the old with the new world. Other cities in this Continent have paid similar tribute to this great undertaking. We trust Your Worship will grant the prayer of your petitioners. And as in duly bound will ever pray. (signed) John McDONALD, John THOMAS, Julius L. INCHES, Geo. HATT & Sons, Eli PERKINS, G.H. SIMMONS, W.A. CLARK, J.W. BAYLEY, E. CLARK, S.D. McPHERSON, R.P. WINTER, John McPHERSON, Edward SEERY, J.H. CLIFF, John RUSSELL, Sr., Thomas BRADLEY, M. MEARN?, LEMONT & Son, E. Byron WINSLOW, W.H. FRIEL, J.G. BYRNE, T. McCARTY, James R. HOWIE, T.H. HOGG, James S. BUCK, N.S. HOOPER, Charles WILSON, Thomas LOGAN, Dever BROTHERS, Geo. MORRIS, J.P. TUCK, N. CAMBELL, Alex. BURCHILL, R.H. RAINSFORD, SAMPSON & CAMERON, John MATHESON, James WHITE, S. BARKER, S.F. SHUTE, ROBINSON & WHEELER, Jno. Jas. FRASER, Samuel G. GRAY, G.T. WHELPLEY, Chas. J. DAVIS, H.F. VAVASOUR.
