Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 60 Numéro 1463

Date 27 septembre 1883
Comté Charlotte
Lieu Saint Andrews
Journal Bay Pilot

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

We announce the death at St. Stephen (Charlotte Co.) on Wednesday 19th inst., of David MAIN, Esq., Editor of 'St. Croix Courier', age 48. Mr. Main was born in Richibucto (Kent Co.) in 1835. He was the son of late John MAIN, Esq. of kent, who with his brother, the late Thomas MAIN, Esq. of Saint John and James MAIN, Esq. of Galloway, were lineal descendants of Sir William ALEXANDER, Earl of Stirling, to whom was granted in 1621 all the land now occupied by the Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. He was educated at the University of New Brunswick from 1856 to 1861 and was engaged in business pursuits in Saint John. In the last menetioned years he undertook the charge of English and commercial depts. of the Collegiate school in Fredericon until 1863 when he joined the journalistic staff of 'Morning Telegraph'. He acted first as Legislative Reporter and subsequently as associate editor for two years, when coming to St. Stephen he purchased the plant owned by J.S. HAY and founded the 'St. Croix Courier' in 1865. For many years he was an active member of the Presbyterian Church. The remains of David Main, Esq. were interred in the cemetery at St. Stephen. (see original)
