Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 89 Numéro 2748

Date 19 avril 1893
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Sun

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

James L. DUNN, one of St. John's best known citizens, died at his residence 6 Wellington Row last eve. Although failing in health, it was not until Friday last that his illness assumed a serious aspect. Mr. Dunn's parents came to this province from Londonderry, Ireland and he was born at Hampton (Kings Co.). In 1846 he entered the office of D.& T. Vaughan of this citty, a firm engaged in the deal business, besides being large ship owners. In addition to his regular duties as clerk, Mr. Dunn acted as secretary of the York and Carleton Mining Co. He continued with Messrs. Vaughan till 1851 when he started in the ship's outfit and genral business in Water Street with Mr. McMORAN under the firm name of McMoran & Dunn. In 1852, the firm purchased the iron business of Thomas F. RAYMOND, corner of Union and Smythe streets and continued both stores until 1856, when their warehouse on Water Street being burnt, the business was discontinued. In 1855 they established a shipyard at Dorchester Island where they built five large ships. In 1857 they closed this yard and resumed business at Marsh Bridge where they built four more ships. During their shipbuilding operations, John FREDERICKSON was their foremna. In 1860, Hon. John ROBERTSON built for them a large warehouse and office at the lower end of North Market Wharf into which they moved their iron business. In 1866 Mr. Dunnpurchased Mr. McMoran's interest in the concern and added to it the business of ships' outfittings, carrying it on in his own name till 1871, when he associated with him L.H. VAUGHAN s/o Henry VAUGHAN, under the style of James L. Dunn & Co. Both parties were largely interested in shipping and owners of a considerable number of vessels. After the great fire of 1877, Mr. Dunn rebuilt on the old site, and along with Messrs Vaughan resumed business from which he retired about 12 years ago. Mr. Dunn married Miss SMITH d/o James SMITH, one of St. John's most famous shipbuilders and known the world over as constructor of the "Marco Polo" in 1850-51. Mrs. Dunn and six children survive him. The sons are James G. DUNN, now in business in California and Harry DUNN, a student at Wolfville Academy, N.S. The eldest daughter is the wife of John P. MacINTYRE. Mr. Dunn was in the 71st year of his age. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon from his residence.
