Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 60 Numéro 285

Date 10 février 1883
Comté York
Lieu Fredericton
Journal The Fredericton Evening Capital

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The death of Alex. THOMPSON, Esq. of Nashwaaksis (York Co.) yesterday morn. at 4 o'clock, though unexpected, was looked upon as inevitable for some days previous. He was born on 11th April 1818 at Keswick Ridge (York Co.) but from his early boyhood lived with his uncle, David PICKARD of Nashwaaksis and worked in his mills there. Of these mills he afterwards became owner. He was married twice, and by his first wife, Miss Hannah PICKARD, now leaves surviving him four children, viz. Mrs. George BARBOUR, Saint John, Fred P. THOMPSON, Fredericton, member of the Local Legislature, Mrs. Wm WILSON, Fredericton city and Miss Lillian THOMPSON. His second wife, who survives him, was Miss Sabrina HANFORD of Rochester, New York, by whom he leaves two daughters and one son, viz., Louise THOMPSON, Frank THOMPSON and Josephene THOMPSON, the youngest, who is in her 10th year. In 1866 he was elected by the County of York as one of the representatives to the Local Legislature, in which he sat for four years and then retired from political life. Since that time he continued to live on his farm at Douglas; and as a farmer was foremost in stock raising and especially in the raising of fine horses. His last illness was occasioned by a stroke of paralysis on Jan. 8th last, from which time till his death he did not leave his room. His funeral will take place from his residence 2 o'clock tomorrow.
