Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 28 Numéro 259

Date 18 mars 1870
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal Morning News

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

An inquest was held yesterday morn. in the house of John GANONG, Carleton (St. John) before Coroner Earle on the body of Carolyn DOWER who died 8th inst. at her father's residence in Fairville (St. John). The following jurymen were sworn in: Lewis F. BROWN, D.G. SMITH, John MEALEY, B.J. CASE, G.F. KAY, S. LUKE, W.M. WRIGHT. Testimonies of Jane DOWER - I reside in Fairville; deceased Catherine was my daughter. She had been living with Mr. FLAGLOR in St. John; Mary HORNET - I am a married woman living on Duke St., St. John; Margaret Jane DOWER - I am 11 (or 44) years old and a half sister to deceased; Rachel FLEMMING - My home is at Grand Lake, but I live at present at Mr. FLAGLOR's on King's Square; Ann GRAHAM - I belong to Richibucto, but am living at Mr. Elias FLAGLOR's, am unmarried; William A. FAIRWEATHER, M.D.; William YOUNG - I am 18 years old, clerk with R.D. McARTHUR, Druggist; Verdict: On the 8th day of March 1870, Caroline BOWER of Parish of Lancaster came to her death by taking a quantity of oil of cedar of ancy to produce abortion and not for the purpose of taking her own life. (see original)
