Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 75 Numéro 3032

Date 11 octobre 1890
Comté York
Lieu Fredericton
Journal The Gleaner

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

25 or 30 years ago, the Treadwell brothers, John TREADWELL and James TREADWELL left their native place, St. Andrews (Charlotte Co.) to win fame and fortune in the far West. California was their goal. They both acquired considerable wealth in contract work. John then invested his money in gold mining in Alaska and became a millionaire. The story of James Treadwell's fortune is more interesting and is almost incredible, founded as it is in the spiritual world. Among his friends were a married couple, both ardent believers in spiritualism. Some years ago the man lost his wife, but though removed from her husband in the flesh, she held frequent communion with him in the spirit. During one of these communions she expressed a desire to meet Mr. Treadwell, intimating that she had a communication of importance that she wished to make to him. After some coaxing from the husband of the departed woman, Mr. Treadwell consented to meet the spirit. The form appeared to him at the hour and place indicated and, through the medium of her husband, informed Mr. Treadwell that if he sought in a certain quarter he would find a rich bed of quicksilver. At first he had little faith in the communication, but when it was repeated twice afterwards he determined to investigate. He had little trouble locating the spot of land where the spirit had indicated the quicksilver deposit lay. Mr. Treadwell pressed upon the husband of the departed spirit to accept a share of his great riches, but he strenuously refused, declaring that he had ample to live upon until he should join his wife in the spirit world. A year ago death visited him and his desires in this direction were realized. The mine still continues to be worked and is yielding fabulous wealth to its possessor.
