Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 53 Numéro 112

Date 16 octobre 1880
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal Saint John Globe

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

When the 'Globe' reporter walked into the office of the Chief of Police, he found Mr. MARSHALL searching over a stock of little knick knacks and curiosities that had come into his possession from time to time. "It was this day, 18 years ago, 16th Oct. 1862 that I was sworn in Chief of Police Force." Of those who were on the force when I first came into office only Sgt. DOBSON, Sgt. HIPWELL, Sgt. OWENS, Sgt. WATSON and Samuel WILSON, who is now in the Mayor's office, are the only ones now in the service. The men who were on the police force when the Chief took office were John DOBSON, John DALEY, Benjamin ANDERSON, William KEARNS, John HIPWELL, Wm CARSON, John WADE, Patrick OWENS, Geo. LYNCH, Thos. KING, Michael DALEY, Chas. PHILLIPS, Robt. JOHNSTON, John MILLER, Jas. SMITH, John FARRENDON, Alex. WATSON, Christopher WHITE, Thos. McPHERSON, John BUDGE, Geo. CHRISTIE, Samuel WILSON, Thos. McMANUS, John FLOOD, Wm PATTERSON and Thos. KING. Charles MELLOR was the first man I appointed Polliceman. Then I appointed Thomas HAYES and John OWENS. Geo. SCOULLAR was appointed Chief of Pollice in 1850 and I was his successor. Capt. Peter BURNS was Superintendent of Pollice in 1849 and before he was appointed, Thos. RANKINE was Captain of Police. Before his appointment, the Police Magistrate, who I think was Benjamin L. PETERS, had control of the forces.
