Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 82 Numéro 1521

Date 3 mars 1892
Comté Albert
Lieu Albert
Journal The Maple Leaf

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

For some time there have been rumors of dismissals on the I.C.R. that caused some uneasiness to the employees. On Thursday afternoon 113 employees in Moncton received notice that after March 3, their services would not be required. The Transcript gives the names of the men discharged from the Moncton works. Machine Shop: Barney GALLAGHER, Wm BARNABY, Alex. LEEMAN, Gilbert McLEAN, Wm BULMER, Wm McKINNON, Jos. PRINCE, James HUNTER, sr., Pat ASHE, W.S. FILLMORE, Marshall McKAY, John GRANT, W.H. CURREY, Geo. EDDINGTON, I.B. PURDY, N. BRENNAN, John COLLINS, Jas. POUNDFOOT, Mel MULLIN, A.J. BLAKE, Jas. McKAY, Alfred BOURGEOIS, Jas. MILLS, Wm BRENNAN, Horace WATERS, John MILLER, A.B. WOOD, Judson BONNIE, Peter McDONALD, Andrew McFARLANE, John GOLDRUP, Jas. LONG, Calvin McKAY, Thos. COCHRAN, Jas. SWEENEY, Wm RYAN, Wm LEWIS, Thos. BECK, Jas. H. McHUGH, Henry LEBLANC, Robert RAE, Thos. LARRICY, Stephen McNEIL, Ephrain LEBLANC, Enoch PRICE, Chas. H. JAMES, Frank BULMER, Alex. CARTER, Chas. M. ARNOLD, Wm TEED, Frank GOGAN, Jas. HOWIE, Wm CULLEN, John FEGARTY, Thos. FLEETWOOD, Allen JARVIS, Theo. GOVANG, Joshua HICKS - Car Shop: Israel GOVANG, Jas. ANDERSON, C.W. COATES, J.A. DEBASSEE, Jno. McFARLANE, David GOULD, Hypolite LEGERE, Bliss SURRATT, Camille RICHARD, Wm A. CARSON, Saml. THIBIDEAU, T.T. PRICE, Mansfield CAMERON, E.W. FIELDING, Jas. GUNNING, Rufus B. LEEMAN, Hypolite BELLIVEAU, F.H. FAIRWEATHER, Fraser BISHOP, J.B. LEBLANC, Doug NICHOL, John COCRAN, John RIX, J.S. WALKER, Duncan MURRAY, W.H. HOPE, G.A. THOMPSON, W.J. HARSHMAN, Milton HICKS, Richard McGEE, P. McINNIS, D. McWILLIAMS, D. CHANDLER, Calix BOURGEOIS, J.E. STEEVES, A.W. LUTZ, P.A. FAHEY, John ANDERSON, Thos. BROWNELL, A.H. CALKINS, Wm BAZLEY, A. MELANSON, Harris HICKS, Miles CAMERON, Samuel HOWELL, Manning GOLDRUP, Thos. RITCHIE, Wm HILTZ, Wm SEWELL, W.S. LAWRENCE, Geo. BOUDREAU, S. McDONALD, Alonzo WILBAND, D.L. PERRINGTON.
