Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 102 Numéro 243

Date 23 décembre 1896
Comté York
Lieu Fredericton
Journal New Brunswick Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

It was a surprise to the citizens to learn last Thursday morn. that Reuben BLACKMER had suddely expired early that morn. from heart failure. Although he had been confined to his house for some weeks through typhoid fever, there was thought to be no serious danger. The deceased was a native of Truro, N.S. and has been a resident of Fredericton for 7 or 8 years. A year or so ago his mother and family removed from Truro to this city and took up their residence here. The deceased was a member of St. Paul's and sang in the choir. In the Sunday School he was a librarian and in the Christian Endeavor Society was ex-president. He was a member of the Orange Assoc., belonging to Rossmore Lodge No. 21 at Gibson and was also an officer of Whitestone Preceptory, Royal Black Knights of Ireland. He was also a member of Royal Arcanum and of Court Millicte I.O.F. In the Arcanum he had a certifiacte for $ 3,000 insurance and in the Foresters, $ 2,000. He also had a policy of $1,000 in Confederation Life. Mr. Blackmer was one of the directors of the Y.M.C.A. He was in the 29th year of his age and leaves a widow, who was Helen YERXA d/o Ludlow YERXA, Esq. of this city. The widowed mother of the deceased and three brothers and three sisters also survive him. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon from his former residence in Smythe Street. The Foresters took charge of the funeral arrangements. The Royal Black Knights and Orangemen also attended in regalia. The societies were proceeded by the 71st Batt. Band. The pall bearers were W.A. LINDSAY, Hedley STAPLES, William ROSBOROUGH, John MacPHERSON, Rainsford BLACK and Andrew LINDSAY, members of the R.B.K.I. The remains were interred in the Rural Cemetery. Messrs. Adams and Price were undertakers.
