Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 53 Numéro 609

Date 4 mars 1880
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Sun

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Lafayette SOMERS and family of Lute's Mountain (West. Co.) removed to Dakota Territory last year, being induced to immigrate by his brother, James SOMERS (or Marvin SOMERS) who had resided there some years. The following letter, written by Miss Amelia J. SOMERS to a friend in Moncton and published in the 'Times' gives the particulars of the terrible tragedy in which her brother, father and uncle participate. - Brule City, Dakota, 17th Feb., Dear Friend: I now sit down to write to you a few lines of very bad news. We have lost our eldest brother. Poor Brad SOMERS is dead, On the 13th day of Feb., father and Brad went out on the claim that father has taken up. I suppose Brad has told you of Jim (Marvin) Somers. He is that great uncle we started west to see. I will now tell you the rest of the shooting. Jim met father and Brad on the road, with hat and coat off and with a rifle and two revolvers and a belt full of cartridges. He stopped the horses and began punching them with his gun and then struck at Brad. Brad took the wagon stake from the wagon and warded off his blows. Then Jim (Marvin) stepped back and shot Brad. Brad fell, not dead. Jim (Marvin) then began relaoding for father, but could not get the old shell from his gun in time, so he started to run when Brad rose up on his knee, pulled on Jim (Marvin) with his six shooter and shot him. He fell instantly dead. Father had nothing to shoot with and didn't know Brad had any either until he shot Jim (Marvin). They fetched Brad home. He lived about an hour and a half after he got home. He died happy and easy, like a man, and not with a shot in the back. He saved father's life after he was shot.
