Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 71 Numéro 3224

Date 9 juin 1888
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Moncton
Journal The Times

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

d. Houlton, Maine, 29th Maine, of inflammation of the lungs, John M. HALEY, age 32, second s/o Joseph HALEY, Esq. of Little River (Albert Co.) About two years ago he left his home to go to the State of Maine where he has since resided. He was married last fall. About one week before his death, he was taken with a severe cold from which he never rallied. He telegraphed for his wife who was in Minnesota visiting her parents. She arrived three hours before his death. A telegram was also sent to his father who did not get there until several hours after his death. The father and widow of the deceased brought the remains to his old home. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.E. Fillmore assisted by Rev. Crisp of Salisbury.
