Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 70 Numéro 3406

Date 26 janvier 1888
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Sun

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

There was a happy gathering at the residence of the chief of police last eve. in honor of his golden wedding. Mr. Marshall was married fifty years ago yesterday to Miss Annie ROBERTSON. Mrs. Marshall is now in her 76th year. She had ten brothers and sisters, all of whom were present at the wedding and eight of whom are still living. Mr. Marshall is one of a family of 13, of whom three are living - one brother in New Zealand and Mrs. James SCOULLAR in Liverpool, England. He was born in Sheffield (Sunbury Co.) and came to St. John with his father when two years old. He was educated in the old National school and Campbell Gibb's private school, next lot north of Trinity Church. He served his time as a blacksmith with James WOOD who made axes and other wedge tools on Mill street, afterwards working with Fowler, Ross & Hogg, engineers and mechanists, who kept an establishment on the corner of Duke and Prince William streets, north of the Customs House. Mr. Marshall commenced business with his brother-in-law, D. Marshall ROBERTSON as edge tool manufacturers and general blacksmiths. On Oct. 16th, 1862, Mr. Marshall was sworn in Chief of the police force of Saint John. The police force when Mr. Marshall assumed charge consisted of John DOBSON, John DALEY, Benjamin ANDERSON, William KEARNS, John HIPWELL, Wm CARSON, John WADE, Patrick OWENS, Geoo. LYNCH, Thos. KING, Michael DALEY, Chas. PHILLIPS, Robert JOHNSTON, John MILLER, James SMITH, John FARRONDEN, Alexander WATSON, Christopher WHITE, Thomas McPHERSON, John BUDGE, George CHRISTIE, Samuel WILSON, Thos. McMANUS, John FLOOD, William PATTERSON, and Thos. King and John Dobson, the oldest appointed among the number, joined the force in 1849. Charles MILLER was the first man appointed by Mr. Marshall, then Thomas HAYES and John OWENS. Mr. Marshall succeeded George SCOULLAR who was appointed Chief of Poice in 1850. Peter BURNS was superintendent of police in 1849 and before he was appointed Thos. RANKINE was captain of police. Before Rankine's appointment, the police magistrate had control of the force.
